12 Phrases To Encourage Positive Behavior In Children

Before you scold your children for behaving badly, it is always better to use phrases that encourage positive behavior. Read on to explore 12 of them!
12 phrases to encourage positive behavior in children

Often, parents feel overwhelmed by their children’s negative behavior. In these situations, they may very well shout, scold or punish their children. It has been shown to harm their emotional development, which is why it is better to use phrases that can encourage positive behavior.

The theories of educators and psychologists provide alternatives that are much more effective than punishment. Thus, one can also prevent the bad behavior from repeating itself.

There are phrases you can use to encourage positive behavior in your children. If you do not want to miss them, read on!

Phrases that can encourage positive behavior

If you do (specific task), you can (reward)

It has been proven that reinforcing positive behaviors, rather than punishing bad behaviors, is much more effective. If you want your children to repeat an activity, you need to reinforce it. If you want to eliminate it, stop giving reinforcement, such as punishment.

happy family

The rewards do not have to be material,  but rather: playing with them, going to the park, going to the cinema, going on a bike ride or going for a walk, among other things.

I know you can do better

It is important to convey that you are confident that your children can behave properly and do things right.

You can encourage positive behavior by saying: I am very proud of you

Let your kids know that you love their  accomplishments and efforts,  even when things go wrong for them. That way, you encourage them to do better next time.

If you keep behaving like that, I will not listen to you

It will only intensify the bad behavior when you yell at them or talk to them to explain what they did wrong. This is because you give them attention when they do something negative. Therefore,  it is best if you leave the room, or ask them to leave the room so that you do not give the negative behavior more attention.

Always tell the truth, and never lie

Many children lie for fear of being scolded, or because they are unable to distinguish between fantasy and reality. Therefore, reward them when they tell the truth. You will have to praise the fact that they were brave.

If you fall down, we will find a solution

Sometimes, children cry because they desperately want to satisfy a sudden urge and you do not let them. It is important to avoid shouting. You can help them fall down and find an alternative.

Several phrases that can encourage positive behavior in children

Please try again

If they did not do something right, then give them the opportunity to try again, to correct their mistakes, instead of focusing on what they did wrong.

I love you

Tell your kids that you love them. Constantly remind them of this fact as it will help them gain  good self-esteem, behave better and be more positive.

mother helping boy ride a bike

Do you remember when you…? Did you…?

Instead of scolding or yelling at them because they did not perform a particular task,  it is best to do it in a positive way. You can remind them what to do so they can do it.

You can encourage positive behavior by saying: You made a mistake, but you can learn from it

It is much better for children to realize that they committed than to make mistakes, rather than say; “I told you so”. Like adults, children do not learn unless they make their own mistakes.

I will be there to help you if you need me

That way, you will show your kids that you will be there for them if they need anything. If you remind them of this fact, you will make sure that they come to you if they feel lost.

I believe in you so I know you will handle it

That way, you set the confidence they need when they tell you they are going to do something. Moreover, it will motivate them to make the effort it takes to achieve it.

I know it was not your intention – the last of our phrases to encourage positive behavior

That way, you make sure that your children do not do it again  as you believe in them and trust them.

Now that you’ve explored these phrases that encourage positive behavior in your children, it’s your turn to implement them. It is important to pay attention to your children when doing something good. That way, you can reinforce them by  telling them how much you love them  and how proud you are of them. Use these phrases in daily life and you will see positive results when it comes to your children’s behaviors.

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