20 Sentences To Strengthen Children’s Self-esteem

Good self-esteem acts as a solid foundation for establishing healthy relationships. With that in mind, here are some phrases that help boost children’s self-esteem.
20 sentences to strengthen children's self-esteem

Here are 20 phrases to strengthen children’s self-esteem. Self-esteem is crucial in a person’s life: it allows them to feel safe, set boundaries, and maintain healthy relationships.

Therefore, working on it must be a continuous task that begins early in life. In this sense, parents and other adults have a central role in establishing children’s self-esteem.

Why is children’s self-esteem important?

As we have mentioned, a child with good self-esteem is a confident child. Later, they become a responsible and considerate adult towards other people who are aware of their own and others’ feelings.

A child with good self-esteem will not seek to harm others through bullying because their safety and value do not depend on the power they show in front of others.

20 sentences to strengthen children’s self-esteem

A solid self-esteem is built on our own knowledge and from what other people recognize in us. Believing in ourselves, acknowledging our value and knowing our abilities is fundamental to the construction of a healthy mental structure.

Here are some phrases you can say to your children to boost their self-esteem:

1. “I trust you”: A phrase that can strengthen children’s self-esteem

A child who grows up in a trusting environment will be able to fight for his dreams and find the strength to do so.

2. “You are doing so well!”

When children learn to do things, e.g. sports or reading, it is very important to offer them a portion of motivation. This not only encourages them, but also teaches them that the process is more important than the result.

3. “You can ask for help when you need it”

It is very important for children to know that they do not have to do everything alone. If they encounter a challenge or difficulty that they themselves cannot overcome, they can ask for help.

4. “I need you to help me with this, can you?”

Children need to be a part of the home they live in. It is good for them that we assign them responsibilities according to their age, as they not only learn to commit to tasks, but it also makes them feel important.

5. “Everyone makes mistakes and there is nothing wrong with that!”

It is important for children to know that everyone makes mistakes, regardless of their age. Mistakes should be seen as natural so that they do not produce frustration when they occur.

6. “Everyone has a superpower”

This sentence can be adapted according to age, but the message will always be that we all have something that characterizes and strengthens us. All people have a talent, but perhaps it is not the same as in others.

As adults, we should support children and help them discover what their “superpower” is.

7. “You mean a lot to me”

Even though they know we love them, we must never stop repeating it to them.

8. “You did really well”

This sentence can especially be used at the end of a task or a task we have assigned to them. It is important that they notice that we recognize their efforts and that we appreciate what they have done.

Father gives daughter high five

9. “You’re right”: A phrase that can really boost children’s self-esteem

Sometimes we adults are proud and cannot acknowledge that the little ones in the house are right. However, we need to break that distance and show them that we are also able to recognize our limitations. They have ideas to contribute and we can definitely learn from them.

10. “Keep trying, and you will succeed!”

It is important that we instill the value of effort in them, even if things do not go well on the first try. Tell them that what counts is giving everything and not giving up.

11. “I understand how you feel”

For a long time, the most important phrases people used to comfort others with were something like “You must not cry, it’s not that bad”. However, it has caused children to soothe their emotions as if it were wrong to express them.

Now that we’ve learned the importance of emotional leadership, we need to validate how they feel and encourage them to share it if they want to.

12. “It is very important to me what you think”

Respectful parenting aims to banish adult-centered upbringing, where the only people who can be right or have an opinion are the adults.

“When you grow up, you get something to say.” “When you grow up, you understand.”

These are some of the phrases that exclude children as active individuals with their own ideas and participation. Therefore, from the new paradigms, we try to reverse these customs and encourage children to have their own space where they can share their thoughts and feelings where they are considered valid.

13. “Thank you for helping me”: Gratitude can strengthen children’s self-esteem

Being grateful is a habit that will make their lives a lot easier. And it’s good for them to learn it from an early age by looking at adults as a good example. So when they help us, it is important to let them know that we are grateful for their actions.

14. “You are unique”: Phrases that can strengthen children’s self-esteem

From a young age, it is important for them to know that they are special and that they do not have to compare themselves to anyone.

15. “What you did was very valuable”

Borrowing a toy, helping their grandmother wash up or their little brother doing homework are good and altruistic acts. It is good to reinforce them with kind comments.

16. “You have an important place in this family”

In addition to the fact that children perceive that they are important to us, their parents, it is also important that we recognize that they are important to the entire human group to which they belong.

Giving them that space in the family and strengthening their sense of belonging in a group will make them feel special.

17. “I can not do it for you, you are the one to do it, but I will be there to support you”

Many times when they are tired, nervous or scared, children ask us to do things for them. However, it is good to encourage them to do things themselves and let them know that we are there for them.

18. “No matter what happens, you can trust me”: Phrases to strengthen children’s self-esteem

Children should establish relationships with adults based on trust and security and never out of fear. This will make us the first people they turn to when they have a problem or need comfort. It is important to remind them that we will always be there for them.

A mother comforting her young daughter with a hug

19. “No matter what others think, you are worth it”

Children need to learn that they are worth a lot more than what others think or say, whether they are adults or their peers. This way, they can develop their own personality and make their own decisions without having to follow all the others.

20. “You can say what you think as long as you say it in a respectful way”

It is important that children learn to express themselves and set boundaries from an early age, and that they do so in a confident and respectful way.

Conclusion regarding sentences to strengthen children’s self-esteem

Children’s self-esteem is something that is created over time in small, everyday actions. And that’s a good thing, because children need to know that they are important and valuable all the time. Not just when they win a trophy or get a good grade. So remember these phrases to boost children’s self-esteem, and use them regularly.

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