Things You Should Know About Newborns

There are some lesser known facts that we should know about newborns. These are things that maybe no one will tell you when you are pregnant, but that you will soon realize after your baby is born.
Things you should know about newborns

When a couple decides to become parents and they hold their newborn in their arms for the first time, it is possibly the best feeling in their life. But this moment can come with surprises!

Your child’s appearance may be surprising

Your baby’s face may look different from what you expected. Maybe you imagined it would have a perfectly round shape.

The reality is that your baby had to get through the birth canal to get out into your arms. The flexible bones in their head can become slightly deformed to be able to pass easily through the canal.

Don’t worry if your baby has a slightly egg-shaped head. It is only temporary. In a few days, the head will take on the round shape you had imagined.

They will not smile until the sixth week

It can be a little frustrating for the tired parents to give up sleep, to take care of their baby without any smile.

But it only lasts for the first six weeks. Remember that in these first few weeks of life, it is crucial to take care of your newborn and give them all your love.

Thanks to your efforts, your baby will begin to form an incredible bond with you. They will only be with you and their father thanks to everything you do for them every day.

Remember that after the sixth week, you will discover their precious smile.

mother with baby on the beach

Be careful with the umbilical cord

When bathing your baby, you should be extra careful with the umbilical cord, as it should fall out on its own. You should not force it. It can cause a lot of pain for your baby, in addition to causing hernia.

During bathing, do not let the umbilical cord get wet. Fungi are great for bathing your newborn without touching this area. 

You do not have to worry about dirt as a newborn umbilical cord will not get dirty. If their umbilical cord gets wet during bathing, it should be dried gently.

It takes about two weeks to fall off. Do not worry in the meantime as it will fall off by itself.

Be especially careful with the baby’s head

The baby’s head has some soft areas called fontanelles. The skull is not completely closed as it needs flexibility to let the baby pass through the birth canal.

Remember this when you pick up the baby, bathe them or something.

You can comb their hair and caress their head, but remember that this area is very delicate. For the first two years of life, it becomes stronger and less fragile until your baby wants a normal skull.

Parents hold newborn baby in a hat

Your newborn baby will tell you when it is full

Your baby needs to eat when it tells you to. Typically, newborns eat every two or three hours. But if you are breastfeeding, it may be more often.

When breastfeeding, it is difficult to know if the baby is eating enough. While the baby may be breastfeeding for some time, it is difficult to know if the milk it is getting is adequate for its needs.

To know if your baby is getting enough nutrition, pay attention to its signals. When they are full, they can be “sour” and you should stop feeding them.

It is important to understand their body language to feed them what they need (understand when they are hungry and full).

You will know if they are eating enough as their weight should increase 5-8% in the first week. You also want to know if they defecate enough every day (you should change diapers 5 or 6 times daily).

They want dry skin

At birth, they will have smooth and silky skin. Over time, this will change and their skin will become dry.

Therefore, it is important to apply a moisturizer on their delicate skin. It must be hypoallergenic.

You will also notice that your baby cries a lot – it is their only way to communicate. They will sleep a lot and will have your constant love and attention.

Don’t worry, this phase will pass quickly.

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