Tips For Sleeping Well During Pregnancy

Tips for sleeping well during pregnancy
Tips for sleeping well during pregnancy

One of the most complicated things during pregnancy is being able to fall asleep. Sleeping well at this stage can be quite challenging as we sometimes move around all night to find a position that makes us feel comfortable.

It is also normal for pregnancy symptoms to prevent you from sleeping well. Waking up often due to nausea, anxiety, insomnia or heat can make rest a challenge.

So we want to give you some tips to help you sleep well during pregnancy.

Tips for sleeping well during pregnancy

  • Experts recommend sleeping on your left side. This position helps blood and nutrients to flow into the uterus. Your kidney will also be able to remove waste and fluids more easily.
  • Keep an eye on what you eat and drink. You should reduce your consumption of coffee, chocolate, soda and tea, mainly in the afternoon and evening. That way, you do not have to go to the toilet early in the morning.
  • Avoid very heavy and spicy foods. It is important that you avoid these, especially before going to bed, because they can cause indigestion.
  • Try taking a few naps a day. Try to take at least a 30 minute nap as this improves memory and also reduces fatigue.
  • Do not exercise in the evening or at night. Make sure to exercise early in the morning so that your body has time to relax. Exercise can leave you too exhausted and prevent you from sleeping deeply.
A women is lying on the grass
  • Practice some relaxation techniques that can help you relieve your stress. Learn about meditation and yoga as these activities also help you relax in your mind.
  • Create a routine to help you sleep well at night. It could be taking a bath, listening to music or reading a book before bed, which will make you form a habit and your body will get used to it.
  • Make sure your bedroom is a comfortable and cool environment. Block excess light and noise that prevents you from sleeping well.
  • Use only your bed for sleep. We often write or watch television while lying down. It is important to use your bed as a place to sleep and that your body gets used to it.
  • If you can not sleep, try using music to relax. You can listen to songs that help you relax.

Best sleeping positions during pregnancy

There are certain sleeping positions that help us feel more comfortable to sleep better. Here are a few of them:

  1. Sleep sideways with a pillow between your legs. This is a highly recommended position to sleep in. This is because it keeps the back straight and avoids putting the weight of one leg on the other. It is even better to use a long pillow as this will also support your stomach.
    Sleeping on the side
  2. Put your legs up on some pillows. During pregnancy, it is common to suffer from cramps and leg pain. If this happens to you, try putting a pillow under your feet. This will help with blood circulation and prevent the appearance of varicose veins as well as cramps.
  3. If you have stomach problems, you can try sleeping in a semi-sitting position. This is one of the most recommended sleeping positions if you have acid regurgitation or other stomach problems. You need to be very careful about what you eat before going to bed so that it does not happen.
  4. The mattress you sleep on is also important. According to OB / GYN Agustín Conde-Agudelo, it is important to have a mattress that does not hurt the spine. He claims that “a very hard mattress, like the floor or a table, is just as harmful as an extremely soft mattress that does not support your spine.” A good mattress should support your entire spine.

These tips will be very helpful if you have trouble falling asleep during your pregnancy.

You should be very careful not to force yourself to sleep in positions that could harm you or your baby. Contact your doctor when you are unsure of any of the above information.

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