Your Baby’s Temperature Can Be Reduced With These Tips

Never ignore your doctor’s advice when your child has a fever. But there are still some things you can do yourself to reduce the fever and make your child more comfortable.
Your baby's temperature can be reduced with these tips

Do not hesitate when it comes to reducing your baby’s temperature if he or she has a fever. It is true that fever is the body’s natural response to disease; a defense mechanism to limit the spread of pathogens. However, if your baby’s temperature is very high then it can be dangerous.

Before we continue, we must warn you that fever can be very innocent or very serious – it depends on where it comes from. So every time your baby’s temperature exceeds 38 degrees – or even before that – take him to the doctor. A doctor will be able to decide what type of medication to use.

The doctor will determine what is the cause of the fever. He or she may prescribe medication that you need to give your child. It is important to note the correct times and the amount of medication that the doctor recommends.

Never ignore the pediatrician’s advice or the prescribed medication. You should never try to treat your child with home media just because “that’s what you used to do,” or “that’s what my mother used to do.”

The tricks we suggest here, as well as other tips you will find online, only compliment the effect of the medication. But we want to make it clear: these tricks are not meant to replace the treatment that a doctor has recommended. 

That said, we’ll now give you the most effective tricks for reducing your child’s fever (while following your doctor’s advice).

How to reduce your baby’s temperature

baby is tired and has a fever

Trick # 1 – Do not use too many blankets

Do not wrap the fever. If you notice that your child’s temperature is rising, then do not wrap him in blankets. Even if he asks to be under the blankets or duvet, then this is not a good idea. You should also not give your baby too much warm clothing to wear, as this may prevent the fever from falling.

Trick # 2 – Take a Rinse

Bathe your baby in lukewarm water and wet her forehead. Let her play in the bathtub for a while so she can cool down. You will soon notice how this instantly reduces your baby’s temperature.

Trick # 3 – Cold Cloths

Use cool, wet cloths. The water must not be too cold. Place the cloth on your baby’s forehead and neck for a few seconds, then replace them with new, cool cloths. Keep doing this.

Trick # 4 – Liquid, liquid, liquid

Increase your baby’s fluid intake – especially water, breast milk and natural fruit juices. The best fruit juices are melon, orange, mandarin and pineapple. Avoid giving your child dairy products if your child also coughs.

Trick # 5 – Get Aloe Vera

baby has a fever

Find an aloe leaf and tear it over so you can see the gel inside. Put the leaf on your baby’s forehead and leave it there for a while. 

Remove the leaf after a few minutes and remove the dried gel. You can then continue with a new leaf to keep your baby’s forehead cool. Make sure you remove the pointed edges of the blade before placing the blade on the forehead.

Trick # 6 – Sweat It Out

Get your child to exercise. No, we are not saying he should go to the gym or do abdominal crunches and bench presses. But if your child is in the mood for it when he has a fever, then you can, for example, play ball together. You can also put on music so you can dance and jump to your child’s favorite song.

You will be amazed to discover how physical activity helps your baby sweat  out the fever

Trick # 7 – Apple Cider Vinegar

Mix five parts water with one part apple cider vinegar. Apply the mixture on your baby’s forehead and neck using a washcloth. Repeat this when the cloth gets warm.

Trick # 8 – Potatoes and Onions

Cut an onion into strips and place the pieces under the foot in your child’s sock. Replace the bulbs with new bulbs after half an hour. If your child also coughs, you can place half an onion in his bedroom at night to relieve the cough. The onion should be thrown out in the morning.

If the smell of onions is too strong for your child, then you can use the same stocking method with potatoes. They are also effective.

Trick # 9 – Time for Tea!

Give your child an infusion of thyme and chamomile. Boil the water and add these medicinal plants in the boiling water. You can use crushed leaves or plant stems.

Let the plants cook for several seconds. Then take the water off the heat and let it cool down. Say the leaves off. Add a spoonful of honey and 10 drops of lemon before giving the liquid (half a cup) to your child.

Check with your doctor before giving this mixture to your child if he is under 2 years of age. You need to make sure your child is ready to ingest these ingredients.

Trick # 10 – Skin-to-skin

Make skin-to-skin contact by placing your baby (without clothes on) on your bare chest. Surprisingly enough, this skin-to-skin contact helps regulate your baby’s temperature. Your child will be more than happy to receive extra hugs and caresses.

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