Grandparents Never Die – They Become Invisible

Grandparents never die – they become invisible
Grandparents never die - they become invisible

Grandparents never die – they become invisible. They have the gift of eternal life, which forms the root of every child’s heart, which keeps them more alive than ever, with a happy and eternal memory.

The feeling of caressing their soft hands, reliving their sweet voices, remembering the anecdotes told with a strong embrace, or just remembering, that image of boundless gentleness and admiration lives on in their playful souls.

It is the law of life. These childhood heroes have the privilege of watching their grandchildren come to life while the little ones carry the burden of a cruel farewell that witnesses the painful passage of those whose hair turns the same color as snow or whose skin begins to wrinkle.

the bond-between-grandparents-and-grandchildren

Children usually experience this with pain and anxiety as their grandparents ’best stories and moments become inaccessible, running like sand through their fingers. It’s time to say goodbye… the first loss in childhood.

But grandparents never really die. They become immortalized in the soul of every child, leaving indelible traces of love and affection. Even though they no longer have a body, their memories will never leave them. They have planted roots in every child’s identity.

grandparents never die

Grandparents never die – they live in their grandchildren forever

The bond between grandparents and their grandchildren comes from an intimate and profound relationship. Grandparents have affection for their grandchildren, so they offer protection, friendship, and consent in addition to everything they do to care for the child.

It is certain that grandparents never die, but even if they are not physically present, they are still present in the life of every person, through their eternal loyalty, which materializes in a great oral inheritance that transcends each generation.

These loving and memorable characters are able to hold the hands of their grandchildren with pride and confidence as they teach them to walk.

Over time, they may have let go of these little hands, but they will never stop carrying their hearts where they stay in forever.

Grandparents do not die, but become invisible, and the fleeting stars can be seen through yellow photographs, in the fruit tree that they planted with their own hands, in the beautiful apron they sewed and preserved for its enormous emotional value.

Grandparents live forever in our attitude to life, thanks to their advice and encouragement. We carry them in our emotional memory, and they even shine through the way we tie our shoes.

They are present forever

Their eyes get wet when they remember the old days. They teach children that a hug makes everything better, and they can teach us things that are not found in a library.

grandparents never die

They are builders of childhood, guardians of the secret, experts in eradicating fear and anxiety, defenders of happiness and leisure, and architects who raise a child when his world collapses. Their aroma is impregnated in our senses.

Grandparents never die for their grandchildren, never ever. Until the end of their days, they will wear them as tattoos on their souls.

Grandparents are present when we take it easy, act more thoughtfully, or enjoy the moment. They become our compasses.

Grandparents become invisible, but every grandchild knows they are hiding behind every smile, every afternoon stroll. They leave a loving legacy of unique and inexplicable love.

Grandparents never die – they live on inside any child who gives them the gift of immortality.

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