Tricks To Soothe Colic Affected Newborns

The prolonged crying and sharp screams from your baby can definitely upset you if you can not calm them down. Therefore, we will give you some ideas on how to soothe colic affected newborns.
Tricks to soothe colic affected newborns

Newborn cramps and uncomfortable stomachs are some of the parents’ biggest worries. It is important to recognize the symptoms and act accordingly to soothe colic affected newborns.

During the first three months of life, babies are exposed to many stomach problems. Despite this, the scientific community does not know exactly what causes them.

To help you identify the symptoms of newborn cramps and soothe them, we show you some methods below.

What does colic mean?

Specialists in pediatric medicine refer to colic as prolonged crying in infants under three months, for no apparent reason. It is associated with a possible immaturity in their digestive systems that causes stomach pain. On the other hand, it may be due to allergies or food intolerances.

Research on colic is still very uncertain. Researchers can find a cause in only 5% of cases. Despite this uncertainty, there are possible reasons:

  • Stomach gases
  • Intolerance to milk proteins
  • Psychological reasons, such as the transmission of anxiety from parent to child. In addition, it could just be a characteristic of the child.

Visible symptoms of colic affected newborns

The gastrointestinal symptoms associated with colic are:

  • Long episodes of loud crying. They usually start at the end of the day and occur at least three times a week.
  • Babies usually move their bodies in strange ways. They close their fists tightly and their face blushes. Their abdominal area feels hard and their legs bend towards their upper body.
Crying baby

Tricks to soothe colic affected newborns

The following tips are aimed at relieving possible seizures in children from gastrointestinal problems. However, the only way you can probably know for sure is by asking your doctor.

We recommend asking your pediatrician about the real cause of their crying.

About breastfeeding

If you are breastfeeding your baby, it is a good idea to avoid foods like broccoli, cauliflower, sprouts or cabbage. They are associated with stomach inflammations that cause gas. Similarly, you should eat less spices and strong food.

On the other hand, if you are feeding your baby with a bottle, keep in mind that you need to pay attention to the portions of powder and water. Follow exactly what your pediatrician tells you.

They know how much suits your child’s age and needs. They also recommend that you do not change milk labels without first checking with your doctor.

There are some steps you can take. You can find brands that are anti-reflux that fight aerophagia. As you can see, there are many resources you can use to find information to help your children.

Additional actions

There are other things you can do to help your baby. Some ways to relieve discomfort in colic-born are:

  • Always make sure your baby burps after eating. Make sure you always make him burp the required number of times.
  • Gently massage the abdomen clockwise. You can use baby oil. If you rub your hands first, they will get hot when you massage your baby. This can make him feel calm and happy.
Mother massaging baby
  • Try giving him a hot water bath. This can help your baby feel more comfortable. At the same time, it can have a calming effect. Hot water helps soothe children and adults.
  • Position your baby vertically using a special chair. You can also hold your baby in your arms. This position helps babies expel gas and reduces acidity.

Finally, we will warn you about the dangers of using pharmacological drugs. In addition to not being proven effective, they can cause serious health problems. Therefore, it is better to always consult with your doctor before starting to use medication. This can help soothe colic affected newborns.

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