Techniques For Pain Relief During Childbirth

Techniques for pain relief during childbirth

Just thinking about a birth can be enough to scare someone. The pain is as real as it is intense. But the good news is that your body can overcome it using certain techniques that provide pain relief during childbirth and improve dilation.

My mother always told me that during childbirth “you only feel one pain.” What she meant by this was that she at least experienced an intense pain that passed quickly.

Although any birth story is valid, experts say that birth involves two phases, each associated with a different kind of pain.

The first type occurs during the dilation period, which is characterized by intestinal pain. Its intensity is directly related to the pressure caused by your contractions.

The second is the time of birth. Pain is associated with severe localized somatic pain. This is because the baby’s head presses on the pelvic structure according to a birth protocol, prepared by the Spanish Society for Gynecology and Obstetrics (SEGO).

How to relieve pain during childbirth

This document explains that there are both pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods of pain relief during childbirth.

Non-pharmacological methods that have been shown to be effective:

  • Support from a birth partner
  • Dermal injection of sterile serum
  • Immersion in water

Non-pharmacological methods without conclusive evidence:

  • Psycho-prophylaxis
  • Hypnosis
  • Acupuncture

Effective pharmacological methods:

  • Inhalation anesthesia
  • Parenteral pain relief (intramuscular or intravenous)
  • Spinal block (epidural and subarachnoid)
  • General anesthesia

Before we explain some of the techniques for pain relief during childbirth, let’s look at some ways to promote dilation. This information comes from academic documents such as SEGO’s Medical Care Guide for Normal Birth.

pregnant woman - pain relief during childbirth

Dilation techniques

Increasingly frequent and intense labor pains are usually the first sign that labor has begun. Thanks to these pains, you will be aware of what is happening and will be able to make the decisions that suit you best.

The contractions become rhythmic and painful as your cervix gradually dries out, softens and dilates.

During the expansion process, experts advise moving around, rather than laying down. During the expansion period, you can get into any position you find comfortable.

It is also beneficial to drink clear liquids (water, strained juice, tea or coffee or isotonic drinks). Isotonic drinks can be the best because in addition to hydrating you, they give you small amounts of glucose and prevent ketosis.

Some positions that can be comfortable and help you avoid lying still on your back are to get up, squat, sit or lie on your side. These positions are associated with shorter births.

In addition, women who use a kneeling position find that this is the most comfortable way to give birth, and report lower levels of lumbar and groin pain after childbirth, according to the guidelines for normal births.

Other tips include applying warm compresses to the crotch during childbirth and avoiding crotch massage, as well as pushing spontaneously.

pain relief during childbirth

Pain relief during childbirth

One of the most effective non-pharmacological methods of pain management is to have the support of a birth partner. It may seem like a hippie technique, but it is actually scientifically proven.

According to the Cochrane Review, published in 2006, ongoing support for women in childbirth should be considered as an effective option, for pain relief during childbirth. This review looked at 15 studies, on a total of 12,791 women.

One of the main conclusions is that women who received continuous support from a birth partner had less need for analgesia and were more satisfied with their birth experience. They also had fewer instrumental births.

A t have company during labor, gives a sense of security, making the pain of contractions more bearable and easier delivery. However, you need to choose the person who accompanies you during the birth, carefully.

Your birth partner must know how you want to give birth, and must be able to provide care, support and encouragement every step of the way. They should not be someone who gets too nervous or feels overwhelmed by the emotional significance of the moment.

One of the non-pharmacological methods that has not yet been shown to be effective is acupuncture. However, many studies have highlighted the benefits of acupuncture for pain relief during childbirth, with 63% efficacy and up to 94% reduction in the need for other forms of analgesia.

Spinal analgesia: epidural and intradural

One of the most effective pharmacological methods of relieving pain during childbirth is spinal analgesia. This provides pain relief through birth and delivery.

It has a stronger effect than any other systemic analgesic and it is extremely safe. It is therefore the most common method of pain relief during childbirth, and should be available to all women who are about to give birth.

Specialists say that this type of pain medication should be given as needed, as long as there are no contraindications, as it is the safest and most effective way to relieve pain, during childbirth.

In certain situations, it also provides benefits that other types of analgesia cannot. In these cases, it is highly recommended and the obstetrician must provide information so that the woman can make the right decision.

Epidural analgesia is the most studied and commonly available form of pain relief, during childbirth. However, if you choose an epidural, you will not be able to feel your contractions, so you will need to know when to press.

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