What Clothes Do Newborns Need In The Summer?

If you are expecting a baby through the hot summer months, the following article will help you ease your insecurities. 
What clothes do newborns need in the summer?
When the high temperatures in summer occur, we all like to wear lighter clothes, and enjoy the summer sun. But, when it comes to newborn babies, do the same rules apply then?
What type of clothes do newborns need in the summer?

Despite the popular belief,  babies should always wear warm clothes,  no matter what time of year it is.

The clothes you choose for your baby should protect your baby’s skin and body temperature. This is especially true for newborns.

You also need to pay attention to the materials you choose when dressing your baby. 

Some materials can cause allergies, or make the skin red. This type of reaction is more frequent in the summer, due to the heat.

What clothes do newborns need in the summer?

Newborns do not perceive the heat in the same way that older children and adults do. They are much more sensitive to changes in temperature. 

While it may seem hot to you and everyone else, your baby may not feel the same way. In fact, your baby may even be cold.

Therefore, when dressing your baby,  it is especially important that you cover the baby’s head and feet. These are the two areas that are responsible for regulating your baby’s body temperature.

When it comes to newborns, a cold breeze can be the cause of an early cold.

If your baby arrives soon

Organizing a baby’s wardrobe can be a heartbreaking experience for parents. 

This is especially true for first-time parents, due to lack of experience. It can be very difficult to choose what things are really needed.

No matter what season your baby comes in around the world, undershirts are a must-have. Keep in mind that your baby may need to wear at least 2 or 3 sets of clothes a day.

At bedtime, it is best to dress your baby comfortably with warm clothes. Avoid materials that have marks, embroideries, etc ..

happy baby lying in bed and peeling at his toes

If your baby is already here

Throughout the summer months, you need to go mainly for cotton clothes when you need to dress your newborn. 

You need to cover your baby’s feet with socks, and the head with hats. It is also a good idea to cover your baby with a light cotton jacket.

That said,  do not overdo it. Wool and fleece sweaters can cause your child to overheat in the summer, so it is best to avoid these.

Instead, you can set your air conditioning at a higher temperature, and dress your baby in a cotton pajamas. As always, make sure your baby’s head and feet are covered, as well as your chest.

Additional recommendations for what clothes your baby needs in the summer 

  • Choose quality materials. When it comes to quantity versus quality, it is best to go for good quality. Babies have very sensitive skin, through the first years of their lives. This means that you have to choose materials that do not cause skin irritations.
  • Cotton is best. Cotton is a very soft fabric that allows your baby’s skin to breathe easily. When you are out shopping, look at the brands and go for clothes that are made from 100% cotton. If you can find organic cotton, this is even better.
  • Avoid tight clothing. Materials that sit close to your baby can cause your baby’s skin to overheat, thus causing a rash. Therefore, it is best to always find loose-fitting clothing for your baby.
  • Forget about accessories now. While it may seem tempting to dress your baby with fancy shoes, hair clips, etc., it is best to wait a bit. Many babies have a hard time getting used to wearing clothes – after all, they have just spent 9 months naked in the womb! By using accessories, you will simply create an even greater discomfort.
  • Keep your baby warm. Your baby’s skin should always be warm to the touch (not burning). If your baby is sweating or his cheeks are red, then your baby is probably wearing too much clothing. If so, take the excess clothing off for a few minutes. Also allow him to be breastfed as he may have become thirsty.
mother packing suitcase with baby clothes

Summer activities for newborns

Throughout your baby’s first days of life, you will need to provide him or her with very special care. Your little baby is just beginning to develop his or her immune system, so he or she is not ready to fight bacteria or disease yet.

Therefore, specialists recommend  keeping newborns at home for the first 28 days, at least. 

When the first period is over, you can take your baby out to the park and go for a walk. Remember to always follow your doctor’s recommendations and protect your baby’s head and extremities.

It is also important that  you keep your baby hydrated with breast milk (not water) and keep your baby away from direct sunlight. 

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