Baby’s Genes: What Influences These?

If you are going to have a boy or girl, then you may be wondering what is influencing the baby’s genes. We tell you everything you need to know in this article. 
Baby's Disorders: What Influences These?

You are probably curious about how your baby will be. Will he get high or low? Will he get green, blue or brown eyes? The questions you ask yourself are endless. What is it that really influences the baby’s genes ?

The impact of the environment on the baby’s genes

The baby’s genes are decided next to a difficult formula:

Phenotype = Genotype + Environment + (Genotype x Environment)

How does it work? The genetic expression, phenotype (eye color, height and weight) are determined based on certain genetic factors, environmental factors and the interaction between them.

However, you should know that the environment cannot change some of the baby’s genes, such as physical appearance.

This means that if the parents’ genes determine that the baby’s eyes should be green, then it does not matter whether the baby was born in China, Senegal or Argentina. The eyes will turn green.

The parents' genes determine a lot in the baby

Time and environment can change some of the baby’s genes. However, they are not always expressed. On the other hand, the environment may influence certain genes that alter the baby’s personality. 

Some genes can lead to the child becoming a smoker or alcoholic, while other genes are easier to control. They are directly affected by the environment.

Registration of genes

Both parents determine the baby’s genes. These genes shape the baby’s eyes, nose, fingers, foot size, hair thickness, etc. Everything can be registered and traced in the genes. In addition, the genes are stored in the chromosomes. 

The baby’s genes contain all the person’s information. A person has more than 20,000 genes.

In general, people have 23 chromosome pairs. The father gives one half and the mother gives the other half.

Why are some babies so more like one parent than the other? Each of the baby’s genes consists of two copies. One from the mother, the other from the father.

The traits that finally express themselves are the ones that are the most dominant. Also keep in mind that the human genome responds to positive energy.  

Many health sites say the following: “Every chromosome in a pair carries the same information. It is that each pair has the same genes. Sometimes there are small variations in these genes. These variations occur in less than 1% of the DNA sequence. The genes that have these variants are called alleles. ”

Babies together

What eye color will my baby get?

For quite some time, researchers have believed that only two genes determined a person’s eye color. However, with new technological advances, it has been found that at least eight different genes determine eye color.

However, it is known that brown is dominant over green and blue, and green is dominant over blue. 

Dominant genes and recessive genes

Keep in mind that there are dominant genes and recessive genes. The former are the strongest, which means they can determine certain traits. 

Recessive genes, although weaker, are still present. Therefore, they may occur in later generations. 

And the hair?

When it comes to hair and baby genes, it is actually very interesting. Years ago, researchers found that 12 different genes determine hair color. Between all of them, there are 45 different colors, shapes and types. 

Dark hair is dominant and blonde hair is recessive. When it comes to red hair, both parents need to have the gene in them. It is extremely rare.

What has the biggest impact on your baby’s genes?

The baby’s environment has a huge impact on the genes, especially in the final expression in the genes. Eg. a baby may be destined to grow tall and thin. But if he does not eat properly, then these genes may not be expressed.

The environment may have the ability to suppress or force certain genes. It is part of our job that the baby gets a complete life with the genes he has inherited.

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