Potty Training In 3 Days With These Tips

Potty Training In 3 Days With These Tips

One of the biggest challenges you experience as a mother is having to potty train your child. Potty training is a milestone in the child’s development that you can not miss.

But to date, we still have not found the perfect method to perform it. Potty training requires a lot of patience, determination and lots of love.

However, there is something we would like to share with you: helping your child become diaper-free will be easier and go faster than you think. Just follow the advice of these experts.

There are many mothers who have been successful with some particular tricks and they are eager to share them with others and help them through this challenge.

Is it really possible to potty train your child in just 3 days?

Given how little time it took our children to get used to using diapers, we might be just as lucky when it comes to getting used to using diapers.

But at the same time, it is important to remember that it is us parents who have gotten into the habit of changing diapers, but for children, it is the only method they know of.

According to experienced mothers and experts, it is possible to potty train your child in just three days.

This claim is based on the use of methods that focus on the cognitive elements that stand out during this developmental phase.

It’s obviously a quick method, but it does not guarantee that your child will learn to go to the toilet by himself.

In this process of throwing away the diaper, the baby will more often urinate or defecate elsewhere than on the toilet.

It is important to note that this is a process that is performed step by step. And requires the whole family to be involved and engaged in the process.

Keep in mind that going to the toilet is not as simple as using a diaper.

Going to the bathroom requires skills that involve more independence than your child is prepared for. Step out on the toilet, pull the pants down, sit on the toilet and all the subsequent actions.

It requires several months of training, but it can be learned over time.

Potty training in three days

child and teddy bear sitting on potty

While this method is effective, it is not one that suits every family. It implies that the child is naked from the waist down.

Although we can teach the child the basics of walking without a diaper in three days, it is only the beginning of a process that must be continuous and permanent to be effective.

Keep in mind these helpful tips for achieving successful potty training:

  • Prepare to be completely dedicated to the task for the next three days. Remember to focus on the purpose and make sure you have time to accomplish it.
  • It is important to eliminate any frustration that may occur during potty training, as we know that positive reinforcement is the most effective way to reach your goals. Make fun moments, rewards, games, dance, laugh.
  • Specialists recommend that once you have decided to start this process, do not look back. For the learning experience to be effective, you need to be consistent. It is important that the whole family is involved.
  • It is normal for the child not to understand what is happening or how to act in the new situation. Therefore, it is important that you do everything you can to remove the child’s fear of the unknown.

Day 1

  • Remember that your child must spend the whole day without diapers or underwear on. It is critical that you pay attention. You need to start being able to identify when your child feels the need to go to the toilet. In the beginning, he will use any place in the house, so you should always be ready to get him on the toilet.
  • As part of the potty training technique , the whole family needs to drink plenty of fluids to go to the toilet often. When mother or father goes to the toilet, you can take the child with you.
  • Celebrate the small victories and do not scold the child if they do not develop. Indicate instead what needs to be improved. It can be helpful to get your child to help with the cleanup after the accident.
  • Invite the child to use the bathroom before going to sleep. Avoid putting on a diaper before going to bed.

Day 2

Repeat the same routine as day one with a variation as in the form of a family outing. This excursion must be announced in advance.

There is one condition. Before you leave, your child must go to the toilet at the last minute. The whole family can do the same for an even better result.

potty training

The purpose of this excursion is for your child to stay until you return home.

Therefore, your child should not wear diapers or underwear during the trip. Just a pair of loose-fitting trousers that allow the child to feel comfortable.

Do not forget to bring change of clothes if an accident occurs when you try to potty training.

Day 3

We must repeat the same routine as day one and two. But instead of one outing, there are two today.

The idea is that the child should be able to relate taking a walk to going to the toilet; before we go out, we go to the toilet one last time.

On this occasion, bring a potty chair or an adapter for the toilet seat.

If you are lucky, you will have the opportunity to use it while you are out.

We do not recommend that you leave by car, go far away or be away for a long time. This outing should be fun and stress free. 

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