Benefits Of Swimming During Pregnancy

Benefits of swimming during pregnancy
Benefits of swimming during pregnancy

Swimming during pregnancy is a particularly healthy exercise option. If you are awaiting the arrival of your little one, you will be happy to know that swimming is an aerobic exercise that is safe throughout pregnancy.

Unlike other more effective and tiring sports, swimming is an easy exercise that is beneficial during pregnancy.

As long as expectant mothers have the proper permission from their doctors, swimming is safe from the first trimester onwards.

Your doctor will assure you that this activity is safe for both you and your little one.

6 benefits of swimming during pregnancy

Below we describe 6 of the many benefits that swimming has for expectant mothers:

1. Reduces back pain

Swimming is a sport that creates a significant reduction in the baby’s weight on the mother’s spine.

During water activities, whether it is swimming or water aerobics, gravity disappears and your weight is supported by water.

This allows you to perform movements without emphasizing the spine and joints.

In this type of training, there is no burden on your joints. This is especially beneficial in cases of excessive weight and obesity.

2. Benefits for your body

When you swim regularly and in moderation, it is one of the best activities for burning calories. In addition, it is very useful to promote the body’s relaxation, which at the same time tones and slims your figure.

Swimming during pregnancy makes it much easier to shed the extra pounds we usually put on during pregnancy. And it also improves muscle tone.


3. Relieves stress and muscle contraction

The constant massage that the water creates on the body allows future mothers to reduce stress. It also loosens the tight muscles that often accompany the pregnancy period.

You should keep in mind that water retention is a common symptom during pregnancy, especially in the lower extremities.

This can lead to stagnation and subsequent swelling. Many women suffer from swollen feet and ankles while pregnant.

While in the water you float. Your body weighs only a fraction of what it weighs on land. This provides relief from the pressure that both your lower and upper extremities feel.

At the same time, swimming is a very relaxing activity that allows you to stretch your arms and legs. This also relieves muscle tension.

4. You will feel lighter when swimming

Expectant mothers who choose to swim during the 9 months of their pregnancy help their bodies feel better. This should be done consciously and under the strict guidance and supervision of a physician.

Swimming, among other things, increases diuresis, reduces bloating and helps expectant mothers overall to feel lighter.

Swimming therefore allows pregnant women to find quick relief from many of the unpleasant symptoms that are typical during pregnancy.

At the same time, this activity promotes a good level of physical activity.

5. Psychological benefits of swimming

Expectant mothers who choose to swim while pregnant also enjoy the psychological benefits. This sport relieves stress and tension and provides an escape from everyday problems.

Swimming therefore contributes not only to physical well-being but also to a woman’s mental well-being.

6. Water relieves swelling

A woman’s feet and hands tend to swell during pregnancy due to fluid retention.

When you swim, your extremities are immersed in water and this pushes the fluids back towards your kidneys. These are then eliminated through your urine.

At the same time, swimming also improves your body’s circulation. This also helps in removing excess fluids in your feet and ankles.

Swimming relieves pain

The best swimming suggestions for pregnant women

Breaststroke is without a doubt the most appropriate technique for pregnant women. This is because it does not require torso rotation, nor does it involve any significant force.

During pregnancy, the spine and pelvis tend to lean forward. However, breaststroke helps to strengthen and helps all the muscles in the back to relax.

Another recommended swimming style is backstroke swimming. This method involves no risk to the baby and helps reduce muscle pain that tends to build up during pregnancy.

Finally, it is important to emphasize the importance of consulting your doctor and gynecologist before beginning an exercise routine.

This way you can avoid any problems that may arise as a result of physical activity.

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