Discover 5 Fun Activities For 2-Year-Olds

Discover 5 fun activities for 2-year-olds – they should be able to give you a few ideas on how to help them like learning new things.
Discover 5 Fun Activities for 2-Year-Olds

Around the age of 2, babies really start to be full of surprises, even for their parents. With all their new abilities, you may have wondered which games are good to help them with their development.

What skills should we work on at this stage?

The development of a 2-year-old child is closely related to their physical abilities.

This means that they are in the process of developing abilities that are related to both their larger and also their smaller muscles. This is called gross and fine motor skills, respectively.

Additionally, in their cognitive development, children reach milestones that have to do with their imagination and problem solving.

They become able to simulate situations, sort things by color or size, and even learn songs they like by heart.

Finally, there will also be a marked improvement in their language. Little by little, they begin to use new words, repeat what their parents say, and inquire into things.

On top of this, they will also find it easier to interact with other children of the same age.

5 fun activities for 2-year-olds

1. Serve food

Give some toy food from their play kitchen to your baby, and ask him to serve for those present.

To make the game more realistic and entertaining, get him to use all the kitchen utensils he has among his toys. You can also use real kitchen utensils that are not dangerous to him.

It is also a really good game for children who do not have siblings, because it is something they need to learn before they start school.

You can also use this game to teach your child numbers.

Two children playing kitchen

2. Play work

From a very young age, children like to pretend to be adults. They love to play that they have different jobs. They even like to play parents.

So, why not be their co-conspirator and make yourself their doctor, chef, father or mother?

Children may not know what to do to begin with and may find it difficult to figure out what the activity means. But, as you help them and give them little clues, their imagination will take over and they will even figure out how they think certain people are behaving.

Remember that children understand things much faster if we give them examples. It is a good idea to start with a stuffed animal or other toy that catches their attention.

That way, they quickly feel safe enough to imitate us. It is for sure that role play is one of the best fun activities for 2 year olds.

Handicrafts and paintings

Making your own creations and drawings, and drawing and painting on any kind of surface or material will help your child develop their fine motor skills, an important ability at this stage of development.

When it comes to needlework for young children, you should start with easy ideas: making animals with toilet paper rolls, animals, crowns or even a garden at home are good ideas.

However, you should not underestimate pencils and paints. At this stage of their creative development, children are only able to draw doodles and shapeless figures.

It is important that you still appreciate their efforts and encourage them to continue. That way, they will continue to improve and have fun.

4. Specific toys

Of course, it is always a good idea to improvise with things we have at home. Especially if you ask the child what he would like and offer him your time so you can have fun together.

But, there are also games you can buy that are designed to be fun activities for 2-year-olds.

Puzzles are starting to become a part of children’s lives at this age. The same goes for costumes and masks, ideal for imagining that you are one of your favorite characters.

Construction toys also have a lot to offer for children, as their motor skills have really started to develop now. It will be really fun for them to have a set of hammers, screws and building blocks.

Last but not least, do not forget tricycles, a really good way to spend an afternoon outside. And for cold, rainy days, board games are always a good option.

The board games have to be very simple, but they can still be really fun!

A board game can be fun activities for 2-year-olds

5. Treasure hunt

This is one of children’s favorite activities. In fact, it is a distant relative of playing hide and seek, one of the classic children’s games.

In this play, you place a certain thing somewhere in the room and ask your child to help you find it. As they look for the thing, you give your child clues.

Explain that they get “warmer” when they get close to the thing, and “colder” when they are far away. In addition to being fun, this play will also help the little one develop his sense of place.

You can also use it to teach him the names of things and learn to follow instructions that you give in the form of “clues”.

These fun activities for 2-year-olds, simple as they are, will encourage your child’s development.

They will challenge you to make progress in their development and they will give you unforgettable moments together!

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