My Baby Cries At Night: Tips And Advice

It’s bedtime and your baby has everything he needs. But suddenly he starts crying for no apparent reason. Why is it that the baby is crying and what can you do to calm him down?
My baby cries at night: Tips and advice

“What can I do if my baby cries at night ?” This is a typical question that many parents ask themselves when when their baby cries at night   for no apparent reason.

After checking that your baby is neither hungry, freezing, in pain, nor in need of a diaper change, what is it that makes your baby cry at night?  

There are some theories that might help you understand why your baby always cries at night. Getting to know them can help you downplay the frequency of these episodes. 

So read on to learn more!

Why is it that my baby cries at night?

Your baby is crying to express his needs. It is practically the only form of communication that babies possess that can give parents an idea that something is wrong.

The main factors that change their mood are, hunger, need for human contact, body temperature (too hot or too cold), physical agitation or pain.

However, the reasons may vary depending on your baby’s age.  This happens, for example, with babies who are only a few months old, who tend to cry at night for no reason.

Some experts associate it with babies crying with a theory of anxiety during the night. It is said that while the baby is inside the mother’s womb, the most active and restless hours are those at night.

Although it may sound strange, babies retain certain habits after birth that are difficult to get rid of.

Thus, it may mean that babies cry because they have to sleep at times they may have been awake for a long time while they were still in the womb.

The baby cries to get rid of anxiety

The length and consequences of the crying habit

First of all, you need to know that this is a temporary phase. It does not usually last longer than a few months; it will in time become smaller and more sporadic.

Another important aspect to know is that the periods of crying tend to be short. They rarely last more than 40 minutes, but luckily there are tricks to prevent babies from crying.

Does your baby always cry at night? Pediatricians say that if you look closely at the way babies cry, then you can see that it is an uncontrolled cry that actually sounds like an angry scream. 

That’s actually exactly what’s happening. Babies do this to ease what pediatricians call “built-up anxiety,” which has been created by all the new experiences babies have had during the day.

In addition, they also try to get used to completely new things outside the womb. So uncontrolled crying actually helps them get it all out so they can relax. 

What should I do when my baby cries at night?

You need to know that your baby will learn to control himself little by little. Eventually, he himself will be able to stop it and relax. Of course, it is not the best solution just to let him lie and cry. But it can sometimes actually be a help. It all depends on the day, the baby’s age and general mood.

Baby cries in cradle and on changing table

Nevertheless, the following tips can help prevent the baby from crying and thus get better.

  • Hold the baby and rock him gently and slowly while talking in a calm and soft voice. This action calms babies very much, but should not last longer than three minutes. After the time has passed, you should put him back in the cradle.
  • Let the baby cry in the cradle, but no longer than five minutes at a time. Give him an opportunity to get rid of all the anxiety; he will feel more calm and be able to sleep peacefully.

As a final recommendation, it is important that you do not just assume that the baby is crying solely due to accumulated anxiety.

Once you have learned to pay attention and know his needs, then you can comfortably comfort him at any time. Just keep in mind that this is a temporary phase.

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