What Factors Ensure Success In School?

All parents want their children to succeed in school, but may not quite know what factors this depends on.
What factors ensure success in school?

Nowadays , success in school is determined by a combination of several different factors. From social and family relationships, to guidance, appropriate rewards and good nutrition.

Success in school is not only based on how many hours children spend on learning. There are a lot of stimuli and conditions that can be of great benefit to children’s academic performance.

Let’s look at the various factors that can help children excel in school.

What do we mean by success in school?

When we talk about success in school, we are referring to a new global concept. It has nothing to do with the old way of thinking where our children are successful if they get the best grades. In fact, high grades do not necessarily mean that there is a particularly high level of knowledge, and it especially does not mean that the child will retain that knowledge.

The basic idea of ​​success in school is that there must be a high degree of integration in society. In other words, children need to be able to work effectively and correctly with their peers and teachers. Among other abilities, they must be able to process the information they receive correctly.

The concept of success in school has changed over the last few decades. It is no longer seen as being the student with the highest qualifications. The best student is the one who can balance all aspects of his life.

Students who have the best grades can also have, among other things:

  • Behavioral problems.
  • Problems socializing.

So who are the really successful kids then? They are the ones who can learn what they are taught by their parents and teachers, and who can also integrate effectively into society. This does not mean that a student with socialization problems is worth less. It just means that his or her success in school should not be based solely on grades.

Methods to help children succeed in school

Here are some recommendations for your child to develop well and be successful in school:


Healthy habits

Good habits contribute a lot to our general well-being and, because of this, it is important to get them learned from childhood. Getting a good sleep and proper nutrition will give the child the energy they need to perform all the necessary daily activities.

Nutritionists estimate that breakfast accounts for 25% of the daily calories the body needs to function properly. Children who do not eat breakfast have a lack of energy during school hours, difficulty concentrating, headaches and cannot remember the information they are being taught. The same thing happens if they do not get enough sleep at night. This is why a healthy lifestyle is so important.

Beware of the Pygmalion effect

We need to be careful about the expectations we have for our children, and the so-called Pygmalion effect. We also need to be careful about what we demand of them.

It can often backfire when we demand high grades and success. Especially if we do nothing to help or support them along the way. In the same way, we must finally not teach them that high grades are the only thing that matters in life; they must also learn to value the learning process itself.

Many children suffer from stress when they cannot get the high grades that their parents expect (or even demand) from them. For this reason, we need to evaluate the extent to which we demand things from them. And we need to know their true abilities.

Remember that every child has the potential to learn, but we must respect their individual rhythm, and know how and when to help so he or she can benefit from the knowledge he or she needs.

External motivations

For a child to be successful, just sending him to school every day is not enough. You have to help him in different ways to get him interested in the learning process. We can do this by asking him how his school work is going, and also by sitting down with him and helping with it.

A very simple and useful way to support children is to give them the tools they need to be able to study in peace and quiet. A good place to study can significantly increase their interest in school activities, and can even help them develop other related interests, such as reading, writing, painting, drawing, and so on.

You can also start conversations at the dinner table so that your children can attend and, in this way, feel more comfortable attending school.

Girl who is successful in school


Together with his teachers, evaluate how the child gets out of it with his schoolmates. It is important to know if your child has friends in class or if he or she may not be doing so well in school.

If you find that things are not going well at school, do not blame your child for not having friends. Instead, look at the whole picture and teach him in a loving way some basic concepts about socializing. You should also try to:

  • Teach your child basic values.
  • Show and give your child love.
  • Stimulate your child’s self-acceptance.
  • Listen to what your child has to say without judging him.

As a parent, it is important that you are your child’s most important guide and helper. Do not refrain from giving him all the help he asks for: get him to school on time, help him with his homework, and if he has to do schoolwork with his friends, let them do it in your home.

These simple tips will help you pay attention to all of your child’s school needs. If you are his helper and guide, then he will definitely have everything he needs to have real success in school.

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