If Your Baby Wants To Be Held All The Time: Do It

It is healthy to give your baby lots of love, but sometimes it can be more harmful than beneficial.
If your baby wants to be held all the time: Do it

This article is for you if your baby wants to be held all the time. A baby’s favorite pastime is being in mom’s or dad’s arms. In this article, we will help you understand why babies might always want to be kept. We also give you some tips that may be helpful.

Where does the habit come from?

The habit of constantly wanting to be kept comes from the baby’s very own human nature. We are beings who need love to grow. Therefore, physical contact is like manure. We seek for human touch, from the moment we are born, so that we can evolve and be happy.

It is also important to know that babies naturally possess a preference for their mother. It is after all in the mother’s womb that they have spent about 40 weeks. It is the mother who provides the milk that babies crave. It is usually the mother who sings for the baby, cradles him to sleep, changes diapers and bathes him.

So it should come as no surprise that babies want to spend more time in their mothers arms than with anyone else.

Also , babies do not like to be alone. Loneliness gives them a sense of being unprotected. It calms them down and makes them feel safe when they have constant company and are being held in someone else’s arms.

Babies need to count on this loving support so that they can have a healthy, emotional development. It is also an important part in the formation of the baby’s self – esteem.

Many people think that babies who often want to be held do so because they are spoiled. They accuse these babies of being “manipulative” if they cry if they are put down again. This is anything but true.

It is important to know how necessary love and skin-to-skin contact really is in the lives of small babies.

When should I start worrying?

mother lies and holds her sleeping baby

We have just confirmed that it is an important part of babies’ healthy development when they are kept. But there are cases where this can become unhealthy for both mother and baby.

There are babies who will only be held by their mothers – 24 hours a day. They cry desperately when they are put down or held by someone else.

This kind of attachment is not beneficial, but rather harmful, as the baby is completely dependent on his mother’s arms. 

The baby becomes unable to do things himself. He himself will not be able to make an attempt.

And the mother, who definitely needs rest and time for herself, feels very strained. It can cause stress, depression and lots of tears.

What to do if the situation becomes too much?

Although the baby must not lack love, attachment should not be taken to extremes. If your baby wants to be held all the time and you have your baby in your arms 24 hours a day, then the attachment becomes somewhat harmful instead of beneficial.

Children raised under these conditions have difficulty developing personal autonomy over time. They think it’s mom who has to do it all for them. 

Keep an eye out for signs that your child has become too addicted. For example, if your child refuses to hold her own bottle even though she is old enough. She will only eat if you hold the bottle for her.

Another sign may be that your baby drops his pacifier, refuses to pick it up, and insists that you do it for him. He may even go so far as to expect you to put it in his mouth. If this sounds like your child, then it’s time for you to cut the umbilical cord that binds him.

What should you do if your baby wants to be held all the time?

We would like to insist once again that your child should never be deprived of the love she needs. She needs to be held, hugged, rocked, kissed, played with and cared for in every way.

But if he is too attached, and if your baby wants to be kept all the time, then this attachment can become “chronic”. As a mom, you have to take action, and the rest of your family also has to support you.

Below we give some good advice if your baby wants to be kept at all times:

Enjoy time with people other than just your baby

You need to stop being the center of your baby’s universe. Your child needs to understand this so that you can both spend time with others, whether they are family members or friends.

Maybe Grandpa can play with the baby in the morning, or your baby’s godmother can take him out for a walk in the afternoon. You may want to ask your daughter’s oldest cousin for help with dinner.

If you involve others in your baby’s daily routine, then the weight on your shoulders will begin to lighten. At the same time, your child’s anxiety level will begin to decline, his autonomy will increase, and he will build beautiful bonds with others.

Stimulate your child’s development

Babies are always ready to learn something new. Put your child on the floor and give him the opportunity to strengthen his little body. Give him new toys or things that allow him to explore. When he learns to crawl, he gets the opportunity to explore.

All of these things will help your child gain independence and for a moment forget the arms he is so dependent on.

As always, it should not just be the mother who does these activities with the baby. All family members must participate so that they can be effective.

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