The Love Of Your Life Will Arrive In 9 Months

You have probably heard that the feelings you have for your children are completely different from any other feeling you have experienced before.
The love of your life will arrive in 9 months

In the beginning of your pregnancy, you have 9 months where you have to wait and prepare for the arrival of the love of your life.

This event will change your world forever, and will make you experience emotions you could never imagine.

The moment your baby arrives in the world, you will understand that there is nothing else that matters anymore.

In this very moment, and also every time you look your baby in the eyes, you will feel complete joy. Your baby’s eyes will give you peace, purity and unconditional love.

A child immediately becomes the love of your life because the connection between you is unsurpassed.

You have given your baby life. You have given him a place to grow up before he went out to greet the world. Even though he can not express it to you, he knows it. Therefore, he wants you close to him, always.

Breastfeeding, having skin-to-skin contact, hearing your voice – the same voice he has heard for so many months in your stomach – will only strengthen this unique bond. You may have doubts and fears along the way, but that’s just normal. 

Over time, you will understand that the arrival of your little baby is one of the most beautiful gifts that life could give you. It is the most beautiful sacrifice, the purest act of love you can comprehend.

mother and little girl having nose to nose

Uncertainty and worry

The first trimester of pregnancy can be quite traumatic for expectant mothers. Many changes are taking place, both on the hormonal and physical level. Next, physical discomfort, nausea, and fatigue will be added to the insecurity caused by your future motherhood.

However, do not worry. The first thing you need to think about is that it is a natural process that your body is prepared for.

If you are expecting your first child and you think you can not bear the responsibility, do not be afraid of this either. You are not the first to deal with this challenge.

Many women have been in the same position as you, and have completed it without any problems. Your maternal instinct will guide you.

Moreover, do not forget that you are not the only one waiting for the love of your life. There are many people around you who have the opportunity to help you with everything you need. 

Your friends, your partner, and, of course, the future grandparents, are part of this process, and they will be happy to help you, in any way they can.

A mother’s brain changes during pregnancy

Did you know that science has proven that a mother’s brain changes during pregnancy? This fact, is the indisputable proof of the connection between mother and child. The sole purpose of these changes is to protect the baby, above all else.

As a consequence of these hormonal modifications, the mother will be able to:

  • Feeling more empathy  for the feelings of her child in her womb
  • Perceive threats  with greater acumen
  • Notice strange symptoms  that could put your baby at risk

Of course, this has an explanation. The reason is that the amount of gray matter that is responsible for processing information is reduced in the brain. This reduction is due to the fact that the mother becomes more efficient at these tasks.

Therefore, you will be able to allocate resources that matter most to you, at this stage: to take care of the love of your life. 

mother and baby having forehead to forehead

Preparing to nurture the love of your life

Motherhood often exposes a person’s strengths and weaknesses. To achieve strong and unbreakable bonds with your little baby, it will be essential for you to create the bond on a basis of love and affection.

While it may sound like a very broad concept, it is possible to do it with very small actions. For example,  always keep in mind that it is not positive to reflect your frustrations, fears and insecurities in your bond. 

On the contrary, mix him around and give him the tools and courage to follow his dreams. In the long run, you will fulfill your own dream, by watching him try.

Another important aspect is to offer affection and love. Do not underestimate the value of contact, care, hugs, and, of course, understanding. Both when he is a baby, and through childhood, you need to be by his side as he grows up.

Children who grow up with the support of their parents are stronger and more emotionally stable. 

This is because the stress generated by not being protected consumes brain resources, and seriously attacks self-esteem and self-confidence. So, please do not cause this harm to your child.

The love of your life is on its way. He is waiting for you, just as much as you are waiting for him. Do not try to make everything perfect for his arrival, for it is almost impossible.

By simply feeling the love of his parents, and having contact with them, then his days will be more than happy. And yours will be the same.

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