At What Age Can Children Be Alone At Home?

There are many different reasons why you may need to leave your child alone at home.
At what age can children be home alone?

Giving your child the autonomy to be alone at home can mean a great deal of anxiety to you. There will always be risks, but there are things you can do to minimize them.

We know that children grow up and gradually become less dependent on you having to be at it every single moment. So, the question arises: at what age can children  be alone at home? 

There are countries that have made legal penalties for parents who choose to leave their children unattended, depending on the age of the children. The law obliges parents to find an adult who can look after and supervise the little ones.

We live in a society that is both independent and subjective to external factors. As a mother, you may have some fears, justified or not. 

However,  your children will get older, and not always be by your side. This article offers an overview of when to know the right age has come to leave children alone at home.

The right  perspective

As your child gets older, he or she will require more independence. Obviously, they need to be prepared to deal with this responsibility. 

The first time you leave them alone at home will not be easy. You have to have the courage. Do not paint an exaggerated pessimistic picture of what might happen.

Leaving children alone at home should be understood as part of their education. This will help them acquire a greater responsibility. 

Of course, this moment will not come out of the blue. Preparation will play a crucial role in how your child adapts to the situation. 

The fact that your child is striving for greater independence does not have to mean that he or she is free from any risk. Likewise, it does not oblige you to leave your child alone at home.

child lying on sofa with a tablet

Know the right time

If you have already made the decision, you should start by considering the most appropriate time. Moreover, there is no need for there to be a reason for you to leave your child alone at home.

You can also do some trial periods that act as a form of training in being alone at home. 

Some say that the best age is between 8 and 12 years and that children should learn to experience your absence. But, how will you know when your child is ready for it?

Prepare your child to be home alone

Every child in the world is his own and there is no one better than you to decide the right time. Do not let yourself be guided through what other parents do.

It is also important that you do not allow yourself to be overwhelmed by any conceivable situation.

If you take the following things into consideration, you can decide whether your child is the right age or not. You can also determine if he or she has the necessary sense of responsibility to deal with your absence.

Ask yourself:

  • Can he or she remember your home address or telephone number?
  • Does he or she fulfill his or her duties around the house?
  • Does he or she know what to do and how to react when someone knocks on the door? What if someone calls?
  • Does he or she consciously take care of strangers?
  • Does he or she know how to get home if something happens?
  • Does he or she know where the first aid kit is and how to use it?

The answers to these questions will allow you to decide whether your child has reached a sufficient maturity  to be home alone for a period of time.

And, what if an emergency occurs?

You should not overlook the risk that an emergency may actually occur. However,  if you prepare and plan, your child will have a better chance of dealing with a possible emergency. 

Of course, it is not possible to take into account every conceivable situation. However, in your daily conversations with your child, you can  simulate these situations.

Measure your child’s reaction by asking what he or she should do in each case. Make sure you do not overwhelm your child.

little boy looking out of a window

The right reasons why your child will be home alone

Your reasons for leaving your child alone at home should be legitimate. 

Remember that  age alone is not enough to determine whether your child can be home alone or not. There will always be other factors to consider. Take your child’s temperament and character into consideration.

The most advisable action, of course, is to always  speak openly and honestly, and explain how to react in uncertain situations. 

Likewise, it will be helpful to talk about the importance of embracing a culture of prevention and caution. The goal is not to create concern, but to call for vigilance.

It will allow your child to mature, and gradually take on responsibilities in life. It will help him or her to achieve independence in a progressive and responsible way.

So, the  question of whether a child can be alone at home will depend on each case and the situation of each family. 

In any situation, parents will always be responsible for reaching the right conclusion.

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