7 Phrases From Pixar Movies That Contain Life Lessons

The value of family, friendship and fighting for what one wants are just some of the positive messages we can find in Pixar movies. Read on to discover some life lessons you can find in these movies. 
7 phrases from Pixar movies that contain life lessons
Many of us have grown up with animated Pixar movies. We have no doubt fallen in love with the characters and have learned a myriad of valuable life lessons from various phrases in Pixar movies.

The effort, perseverance and power of friendship and family are some of the most relevant values ​​we see in Pixar movies. Keep reading to discover 7 phrases from Pixar movies that contain meaningful messages and life lessons.

Phrases from Pixar movies with valuable life lessons

1.  Toy story  (1995)

This iconic film from Pixar Animation Studies marked a turning point in the animated film industry. Toy Story teaches us an important message about the value of friendship.

As philologist Jaume Duran points out, Toy Story  dives  into the concept that friendship means company and solidarity. Not just this…  The true message of the film, says Duran, is that joy means making other people happy. 

Therefore, the life lessons we can learn from  Toy Story are that  true friendship is when you want the best for your friend,  even if it means you lose him or her.

2.  Monsters, Inc.  (2001)

Sully and Mike, the main characters in this movie, are two best friends who could not be more different. Monsters, Inc. is another Pixar movie that  sends a valuable message: do not judge others by their looks. 

The film basically  distances itself from stereotypes and prejudices and makes fun of the concept of “monsters”. At the end of the film, we discover that these monsters that supposedly exist to create fear find greater satisfaction in making others laugh.

3.  Find Nemo  (2003)

This film, which  shows the power of family and friendship, also talks about enduring and overcoming challenges. Marlin has to come face to face with her fears and prejudices, with the help of her friend Dory, to find her son. And he does not stop until he does.

Finding Nemo  teaches us that  no matter how things go, you must keep fighting for your dreams and goals. No one has said that life will be easy and we will always have defeat and bumps in the road. However, we should never lose hope.

4.  The Incredibles (2004)

Without a doubt  , the family is a big, hidden superpower in this wonderful collection of superheroes from Pixar. Although their daily interactions can be problematic, the Incredibles  teach  us that family is where we get our strength.

In the film  , the characters discuss and get angry, but they learn to work together as a family – as a team. In this way, the film shows us that despite the superpowers that each of the characters possesses, their true superpower lies in their strength as a family.

More powerful phrases from Pixar movies

5.  Ratatouille  (2007)

To begin with, the premise of this film offers a valuable message in itself. Even if others say you will never be able to do what you love, do not let anyone stop you. The main character in this movie is a rat who wants to be a chef. He rebels against his fellow rats to show that with passion you can do whatever you set out to do.

At the same time, Ratatouille  encourages us to keep our gaze focused on the future, as the past can be discouraging. When we think of past defeats, it can deter us from focusing on the future  and from making progress and improving ourselves.

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6. Brave  (2012)

Challenges can be daunting, and being brave is not always an easy task. This is something that Merida, the main character in  Brave,  knows very well. The film teaches us that despite problems and obstacles, we can decide which path we want to take in our lives. To do this, we need to be brave. In other words, we have to face our fears.

The film sends the message that it’s hard to be brave, yes, but it’s within our reach. With hard work, dedication and confidence, we can become invincible. 

7. Inner Inside (2015)

This film teaches us that our emotions are not only valid but also necessary. We need to embrace sadness in the same way that we embrace joy. One of the phrases uttered by the character Joy teaches us a powerful lesson. Her words are especially valuable when it comes to resolving issues and conflicts.

When we are in a difficult situation, negative and destructive thoughts can become overwhelming. Negativity can really weigh us down when we feel frustrated and things are not going in our direction.

Deep  down, however, it teaches us that focusing on these thoughts does not lead us anywhere. Instead  , we need to look at our problems from a new perspective. 

What can we learn from the different phrases from Pixar movies?

The value of hard work and perseverance, the power of family and friendship and the importance of going after your dreams. These are just some of the strong values ​​that Pixar Studios is incorporating into their animated films.

The mess we always find behind any Pixar movie, however, is that  the key to joy is to be sincere with oneself. Find out what you want and what makes you happy, and do not depend on anyone else to get it.

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