7 Tips To Overcome The Fear Of Giving Birth

In this article, we will contribute advice to overcome the fear of giving birth. It is very typical, especially for first-time mothers. 
7 tips to overcome the fear of giving birth

Everything is ready for your baby’s arrival. You have made all the preparations. You are happy and impatient. Despite all this, there may be something that worries you.

Although prenatal visits and advances in medical technology are there to secure you, you  should know that the fear of giving birth is completely normal. It can affect you both physically and mentally.

A birth is a unique and weekly experience. However, when things do not go as expected, it can leave a bitter memory.

For this reason, it is crucial that you prepare, in the best possible way, for the day of your baby’s birth. You should also stay calm and  avoid all kinds of consequences related to stress during childbirth. 

7 tips to overcome the fear of giving birth

Below, you will find 7 tips to overcome the fear of giving birth:

1. Examine maternity wards

The first piece of advice as soon as you can is to  research the various hospitals in your city. You can experience relief by reading comments from Internet users, or asking for opinions from family members or friends.

Once the maternity ward is registered, you have located the place and gone for a walk in the hospital, it will help you. You will visualize the places, and, that way, you will be better able to accommodate the arrival of your child.

pregnant woman in dress holding on to her belly

2. Meet the arrival of your baby

To reduce the stress around childbirth, and accommodate the arrival of your baby,  you can read specialized books that allow you to learn about the different stages. These will help you dispel any worries or questions you may have.

Do not forget to decorate your child’s room, and make the final preparations so that you can accommodate your child’s arrival.

Practice breathing techniques

If you have not already done so,  take advantage of your pregnancy by practicing breathing techniques such as sophrology,  haptonomy or yoga. These disciplines will allow the mind and muscles to relax.

4. Meet the medical team

Take the time to meet the obstetrician, anesthesiologist and midwife who will attend your birth. Do not hesitate to ask them questions and express your concerns.

You need to keep in mind that you are not the first to go through this. The professionals are used to dealing with worried, expectant mothers.

Be absolutely sure that there are these cases, not some stupid questions. The most important thing is that you feel reassured.

5. Ask for your partner’s help

Your partner should be your first support. Ask him to be present and active during the birth. He can encourage you, but he can also reassure you with massage, care, or whatever you need.

If you also need for the presence of a woman, know that there are companions,  also called midwives, whose role is to be with you and support you, through this great moment.

6. The pain can be reduced

Of course, it does not make sense to say that childbirth is not going to hurt. However,  if you choose to give birth without an epidural, there are many methods that are effective in dealing with the painful contractions: 

  • The art of  moving, walking or dancing  promotes a faster sinking of the baby.
  • Good breathing is essential  during childbirth. It allows you to channel your energy, and maintain the power needed to push the baby out, as quickly as possible.
  • Accompany each contraction by visualizing the evolution of the baby  so that you no longer just focus on the pain.
  • Between each contraction, it is crucial to relax as much as possible, and empty the mind  so that you are not in constant tension.
pregnant woman for medical check-up

7. Positivity

Finally, the best way you can overcome the fear of giving birth is to simply think positively about this magical moment where you will finally be able, after all these months of waiting, to embrace your little baby in your arms.

As in any everyday situation,  you need to stay positive and hopeful. It will help you to strengthen yourself mentally so that you can face this special moment. 

Finally, keep in mind,  no matter what the origin of your fear, it is ideal to receive the support of a professional. 

Attending birth preparation classes, sharing the fear of giving birth with a midwife, or consulting with your gynecologist will also be able to remedy many questions, and help you reduce the fear of giving birth.

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