Homemakers Are Also Working Women

Homemakers are also working women

Homemakers who stay home to take care of their children are also working women. They also contribute to the family even if they are not paid. They also go to bed late at night without being paid overtime. Although many people find it difficult to believe in it, stay-at- home moms perform valuable tasks, and they may have the best job in the world.

We all know that we live in a world where many demands are made on women. Women also make many demands on themselves – extreme efficiency in all areas of their lives. They struggle daily in a society that gives them very little recognition. They make plans, look after their children, drop them off and pick them up from school, they support their families financially, and at the same time, they also nurture their emotional well-being.

It is not easy, and yet there are millions of women who perform this task daily: they educate, train and achieve their success rates in their respective professions. But there are also many women who choose to wait to return to work after giving birth. 

Sometimes it’s because of a personal choice, and other times it’s because of the work context itself or the complexity of finding a new job where incorporation is difficult. But it is important to remember that: the stay-at-home mothers or fathers who take care of their children also work.

Let us reflect on this.

Homemakers do not get paid, but they work and invest their lives in the best project

small child in wrap

A child is not just a vital project. They are our responsibility, our daily inspiration and someone to whom we dedicate the rest of our lives.

  • We know that nowadays there are lots of mothers who return to the job market with enthusiasm after being on maternity leave.
  • About 80% still think that time is insufficient.
  • Organizations such as the WHO recommend that breastfeeding be extended for 6 months. Therefore, it would be logical for social organizations to agree with the same principle.

One thing that is clear is that our workplaces are not always sensitive to these important needs. Therefore, many women simply choose to become stay-at-home mothers in order to raise their children.

I’m a homemaker and I do not validate the classic gender stereotype

To this day, there is no shortage of people who see it as a big surprise when a mother voluntarily makes this choice. The first thing that people usually think is that they are “giving up” valuable time that would otherwise allow them to flourish professionally and personally.

  • But being a homemaker neither validates nor rejects anything. These stay-at-home moms earn quality time and invest in their own children, in an environment where there is no rush, plans, stress or pressure.
  • It is also important to know that there are also many men who choose to stay at home. But this is usually when the family has a larger income, which allows the father to voluntarily postpone their return to the labor market.
stay-at-home moms are super moms

The parenting role is a job that requires 27 hours a day

It’s an unpaid job. There are no breaks or vacations. You need to have a bachelor’s degree in patience, a doctorate degree in expertise, and a master’s degree in endurance when raising children.

  • You do not get much sleep, the schedule is not flexible, and weekends are just a continuation of Monday.
  • There are no coffee breaks or Friday dinners.

Women who choose to be stay-at-home mothers do not complain about their pay, nor could they figure it out, for there is no better payment than their child’s smile. A goodnight hug, or a nap together on the couch.

Norway, a paradise for mothers and families

There is one fact that we should make clear: if our social politicians invested more time in reconciliation, then women would not hesitate to combine both aspects: work and motherhood.

But today, many women see the extreme situation of having to “lose” their jobs just because they get pregnant. 

This means that we do not make progress in society when this starts to happen.

That is why Norway is one of our biggest references when it comes to maternity leave.

mother and son at bedtime

In Norway, maternity leave lasts 56 weeks (approximately 1 year and 2 months).

  • Norwegian mothers can choose to take 46 weeks maternity leave with full pay or 56 weeks with 80% pay.
  • The father can enjoy 10 weeks maternity leave with full pay.
  • In addition, childcare offers are guaranteed. Most companies in Norway actually have one.
  • Working hours are approximately 37 hours per week.
  • They have 20 days of unjustified leave to take care of their children.
  • The state pays 120 euros a month until the child turns 18.

We can therefore conclude that the Norwegian model is something that all countries should imitate. It is the only way to invest in gender equality, and at the same time it provides value for raising the children who are our future. We should never discriminate against a woman who chooses to stay at home and look after her children, for whatever reason. They are also investing in the future.

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