A New Mother’s Sleep After Giving Birth

Sleep is a basic, elementary function of the health of every human being. Once a mother has given birth, her sleep is affected. In this article, we will share some recommendations to alleviate the effects. 
A new mother's sleep after giving birth

There is no doubt that the arrival of a baby changes the life of any family. Routines and priorities change drastically. There are new commitments and concerns that have never been experienced before. But, more than anything else, a new mother’s sleep will be affected after the birth.

And, with certainty, the absence of good quality sleep is one of the primary problems of new mothers. Lack of sleep can lead to serious physical and emotional health problems. Therefore, it is important to nurture this basic function as much as one can.

A new mother’s sleep after the birth of her baby

When the baby arrives, the new mother, as a rule, becomes exhausted  due to the birth itself. However,  she does not have the opportunity to rest as she now has to take care of her new baby 24 hours a day. Furthermore, she is probably also worried about not being able to cope with the challenge, experiencing lack of time and, of course, lack of sleep.

mother sleeping with her baby

Just keep in mind that newborns sleep about 18 hours a day, but not all at once. Therefore, it is inevitable that new mothers’ sleep patterns will also change. Furthermore, the hormones work to counteract them, which can cause drowsiness during the day.

Nevertheless, sleep is essential for new mothers as it enables them to stay healthy and exercise their motherhood optimally. Therefore, it is essential to follow some guidelines to guarantee the best possible sleep for new mothers.

How to improve a new mother’s sleep after giving birth

Adapt to your baby’s schedule

One of the most important steps you can take is to adapt to your baby’s sleep schedule. Babies tend to distribute their sleep over short periods of time. Therefore, if you only try to sleep at night, it will be impossible for you to get enough sleep. Therefore,  you need to sleep every time your baby sleeps.

Forget past routines and schedules. Forget your pending tasks, and do not worry about your house being cluttered. Sleep when your baby is asleep. At this point, sleep is a priority and everything else can wait.

Get the most out of your sleep at night

Sleep at night is the one you need most. However, it represents only one of the six or seven periods your baby distributes his sleep in. Therefore,  if you want to get more night’s sleep, help your baby understand when it’s night and when it’s day. 

To do this, put your baby in a room during the day where a lot of sunlight enters and he or she can hear the sounds of everyday life. Conversely, when it is dark, put the baby in a dark and quiet room.

In addition to this, if you give your baby bottle,  do not hesitate to delegate this service at night to your partner. Remember, it’s best for both of you if you take care of the newborn together. It will allow you to get more sleep.

mother and baby sleeping

If you are breastfeeding your baby instead, avoid looking at the clock when breastfeeding at night. It can activate your mind and keep you from easily falling asleep again. Simply breastfeed your baby and go back to sleep.

Take care of your sleep hygiene

We all know the guidelines for getting quality sleep. However, we do not always comply with them. Now, it’s time to implement these recommendations. 

Always try to sleep in your bed and make sure it is dark and quiet. Avoid sleeping on the couch or with the television on, as it does not allow you to sleep soundly. Furthermore, it is important not to ingest stimulating foods and beverages before going to sleep. You should also not practice any form of moderate exercise before going to sleep.

Delegate and enjoy

Finally, keep in mind that you do not have to do everything on your own. Learn to delegate and  ask your loved ones for help  when you need a break. It will make you healthier and happier. In addition, it will allow you to take better care of your baby.

And, more than anything else, enjoy the journey. Keep in mind that in a few months, your baby will sleep more at night and everything will get better. Remember,  you need to stay calm, patient and optimistic. Enjoy these first months of your baby’s life. 

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