A Promising Invention: Sensory Bottles

Although scenes are normal at certain ages, we begin to worry, stress, and lose hope as they become more frequent. In this article we will share some ideas to avoid this.
A promising invention: sensory bottles

Teacher Maria Montessori has made a promising invention available: sensory bottles, a tool to help children relax during periods of stress. But do not think that this miracle tool only soothes children. Along with reassuring the little ones, they can also help us as parents.

Although scenes are normal at certain ages, we begin to worry, stress, and lose hope as they become more frequent.

It’s usually really hard to control a child’s crying or annoying behavior, so we end up giving in to too many of their requests, all because we do not know how to act.

But there are various theories and recommendations to help parents  take control of the infamous scenes where a few stand out that are practical, have a good reputation and have been proven.

On the other hand, we should take into account that children may act negatively because of their age, while in other cases there may be behavioral disorders.

In any case, sensory bottles are intended to deal with the temporary situations whose origin can be clearly identified.

Things to know about sensory bottles

Maria Montessori is a teacher who created an educational method on several levels. This method is implemented with different activities and formats , but the ultimate goal is to educate the child, without the need for punishment, but by utilizing their natural abilities.

We know that there are many things that children do not understand and that they do not yet have our ability to adapt to certain environments, or to communicate . This is why children can act in an incomprehensible way, which can frustrate us and leave us struggling to find the right answer.

The sensory bottle is one of the inventions included in the Montessori method . It is designed for children between the ages of two and six.

According to studies, this object is ideal for keeping children entertained once their purpose has been established and is known by the child.

How to make your own

A characteristic of sensory bottles is that you can make them yourself at home. To do this, use the following materials.

  • A transparent jar or bottle with a lid, preferably made of plastic to prevent it from breaking, in case of loss.
  • 1 or 2 parts adhesive crystalline glue containing glitter r. This can be tablespoons or the desired amount.
  • In addition to the glitter in the glue, we recommend adding 3 or 4 extra teaspoons of glitter, in eye-catching colors.
  • A little bit of fruit color  in your child’s favorite color, or maybe the one you identify with the most.
  • Shampoo, preferably a neutral for children. Glycerin can also be used.
  • Hot water.
  • A hot glue chair.
  • Glue to the glue gun.
Sensory glasses for your child

To put it together

  • Put all materials inside the bottle, in appropriate amounts for the size of the container. It is necessary to leave a little space in the top of the bottle without liquid, but only a little over an inch.
  • You can also include small toys, such as boats, geometric shapes and hearts – be careful not to overdo it so they can still be seen from inside the jar.
  • Mix all materials and make sure the lid is properly sealed with hot glue to prevent the child from opening the jar or bottle.

In a properly made sensory bottle, the materials move in a very interesting way. The different densities of shampoo, water and glue will allow each of the elements to move at different speeds and in different ways.

Benefits of sensory bottles

Sensory bottles have many benefits in terms of behavior because they give the child a chance to slow down. To use them, the child shakes the bottle or jar and observes the movement of the components in it, which keeps them entertained and focused.

The sensory bottle is a great way to capture your child’s attention for a short time, but it is especially recommended to help children recover from their scenes.

The time it takes for the glitter to gather can act as a kind of punishment that the child has to wait for in order to continue with a healthy conversation.

Other benefits are:

  • They increase their attention.
  • They stabilize their energy levels.
  • They are ideal for relaxing the mind and building good sleeping habits.
  • They are useful during long walks or times that require your child to wait patiently.
  • They may work for restless children or those at risk of hyperactivity.

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