Age Difference: The Effect It Has On Siblings

Age Difference: The Effect It Has on Siblings

If you are planning to start a family and you are wondering what the best age difference between siblings is, then this article can help you. The question of age difference is one that many parents ask themselves when they are considering having children. But the decision is, of course, up to the couple themselves.

Age difference between siblings is often debated and unfortunately there is no correct answer.

It all depends on each family’s experiences and preferences. Below, we analyze the pros and cons of each choice.

To choose the age difference between siblings

Should there be only one year, two years, or three years between siblings? Or should the age difference between siblings be even greater so that the months with a newborn become a little easier?

What is best? Millions of parents around the world ask themselves that question every day.

The answer to these questions will depend on who you ask. Everyone has different opinions on the subject according to their own personal experiences of childhood. 

What you need to know is that all the possibilities have their pros and cons just like with everything else in life.

Therefore, we review the  main aspects of this article, which deal with this complex decision.

Benefits of having children without a big age difference

  • Upbringing: You will be able to offer them the same upbringing as they go through childhood, puberty and adolescence at almost the same time.
  • Fellowship: If your children can agree – which is something that depends a lot on you as a parent – then they will always have a friend they can count on. In addition, they can help each other with homework, homework or play sports together. As they get older, they may even have the same group of friends who all spend time together.
  • Practical things: Many parents say that they get used to changing nappies, working without sleep and – in the mother’s case – breastfeeding. So if another child arrives shortly after, the parents are already used to the daily rhythm of having a baby.

Disadvantages of a small age difference

  • Duplication: When you have two or more toddlers, the requirements double. This is especially true if you have more than one child at the same time using diapers. You may also have difficulty establishing a sleep routine.
  • Double expenses: The money you spend on diapers, hygiene products and clothes is also doubled.
  • Jealousy: When there is a slight age difference, it is common for children to feel jealous when their siblings receive something they do not. This is a delicate issue that you need to keep in mind.
large age difference between siblings

Benefits of waiting longer before having another child

  • A personal protector: When there is a big age difference between siblings, big brothers or big sisters naturally take on the role of “protector”. In addition to caring for their younger siblings, they also act as mentors, helping them based on their own experiences.
  • Fewer conflicts of interest: If there are several years between siblings, they do not come up to fight over toys. Nor will they quarrel (as much) over TV rights, or who gets the front seat in the car.
  • The older sibling offers a different version of the world: A big brother or big sister can transmit things such as culture, music, and other kinds of things and knowledge that produce a more open perspective about the world. Older siblings are without a doubt an indispensable source of knowledge.
  • Big brothers and sisters help with parenting: Older siblings can help take care of their little siblings when they reach a certain age. They may also be responsible for household chores to help their parents.
  • You save money on clothes and other things: Your younger children can inherit things that your oldest child no longer uses. This can be, for example, clothes, furniture, school items, etc.

Disadvantages of a larger age difference between siblings

  • Jealousy: Just because a child is older, does not mean he will not feel left out. It is important that you make your child feel as important as ever. This also applies if there is a new brother or sister in the home.
  • You have to get started again: Parents have to sacrifice the independence they gained when the other sibling grew up. The arrival of a younger sister or brother means returning to the intense needs of a newborn.
big sister shifts were

Obviously, there will be common denominators between all your children, no matter what the age difference is. 

If the age difference is small, it will be noticeable every day in the form of their games, shared activities and conversations.

If there is a big age difference, you will notice their bond at specific moments. But they want fewer everyday activities in common.

But there is nothing sweeter than watching your youngest look up at his older sister or brother, and see how the oldest loves and takes care of the little one. 

That said, it is up to each couple to decide how long they will wait before having more children. In addition to the things we have already mentioned, there are also financial and emotional factors that play a role in the decision making process.

What really matters is that children grow up in a favorable environment with the love of their parents and the attention they deserve.

In the end, your kids will no doubt admire each other. And this is no matter how small or large their age difference is.

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