An Open Letter From A Pediatrician To Doctor McStuffins

An open letter from a pediatrician to Dr. McStuffins
An open letter from a pediatrician to Dr. McStuffins

Most children enjoy watching cartoons and can even learn valuable lessons from them. It is therefore not surprising that a specialist such as pediatrician Steve Silvestro, decided to write a letter to the famous toy doctor Doctor McStuffins, a character in a Disney series.

In this letter, Dr. Silvestro to disprove false information on the impact of Dr. McStuffins on children. His position is the complete opposite of that expressed by Harvard University, which developed a critical study of this character and others.

In that report, it was said that children who saw Gurli Gris were more likely to develop autism. This information was quickly discarded, both by medical specialists and by the university itself, which rejected any kind of analysis.

After this unfortunate incident, it was not long before the touching and entertaining letter from Dr. Silvestro came out. Dr. Silvestro thanked the creator of the characters for his contribution to childhood: now children do not fear doctors!

This was stated in the letter to Dr. McStuffins

“As you know, it is common for us doctors to send letters to each other about patients we share. It seems that we share many patients, and I just wanted to report on how much you have helped them, “writes Dr. Silvestro.




Dr. Mcstuffins

“First of all, I must say that you have made my job much easier!” Started the North American pediatrician saying. He explains that a fear of going to the doctor has disappeared among children. Now they are almost excited to come and some are even dressed in white coats.

If a child is still nervous when I enter the room, all I have to do is sing the song “Now you need to be checked” and I see their eyes light up. It’s like a secret handshake letting kids know I’m on their side.

“Everyone knows you use your stethoscope to magically bring your stuffed animals to life. As a result, children are no longer afraid of my own stethoscope. They no longer see it as a cold, medical tool, but as a gateway to imagination and fun.

“I can pretend to use it in the wrong places – like their elbows and knees or on my nose like an elephant – and get a lot of laughs instead of anxiety when I then put it on their chest.”

Other instructive things from Dr. McStuffins

“But I would like to point out that you help guide children through more than just going to the doctor. From being patient and overcoming fear, to dealing with friendships, adoption and bringing a new baby home, you help the children navigate all the challenging and sometimes unpleasant aspects of a day-to-day experience of being a child. ”

One of the aspects of the show that is most appreciated by this pediatrician is Doctor McStuffins’ relationship with Frosti. This character is known to be “a bit of a hypochondriac” and cares about trivial things.

For this very reason, the author of the letter says that he is “not unlike a little child.” For children, even the smallest things seem big and scary.

A useful way to motivate the little ones

Although Frosti’s fears are unfounded, Dr. McStuffins listens carefully to the patient, reassuring him and reassuring him .

“Your example is a good reminder for both parents and your doctors to listen with open ears and respond with warmth and love when working with worried children,” says the pediatrician.

Dr. Silvestro, however, indicates that this is not the only way the comic learns by example. Just as Dr. McStuffins dreams of becoming a doctor like her mother, she is also an inspiration to many patients.

Now many children ask about the stethoscope, to hear the sound of their own hearts. Many of them even express a deep desire to become doctors when they are older. This astonishes Dr. Silvestro as he considers this something new.

“So thank you again for making my job easier, for giving me reason to break out in song during a health check and for being a wonderful role model for my patients and for me. I hope we continue to share many little patients together! ”

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