Children Should Not Use Smartphones – Here Are 8 Reasons

Children should not use smartphones - here are 8 reasons

We can say with certainty that children start using smartphones at an earlier age than before, but children should not use smartphones. More and more often, children have a smartphone. There are some very good reasons why it is not good for them.

The biggest concern used to be that kids spend too much time in front of the TV. But now the problem is that children are so closely tied to their phones that they even fall asleep with them in hand.

Some experts in the field say that smartphones can harm children’s health.

Today we explain 8 reasons why children under the age of 12 should not use smartphones.

Babies and children should not use smartphones – here are the reasons

There is a clear reason why a child should not start using technology until they are 2 years old. Although children today are largely born with electronic devices in hand, it is important to avoid excessive use. It is important to know how it can affect them if the use is not regulated. Children should not use smartphones for the following reasons:

1. Brain development

When a brain is exposed to excessive use of technology, the development of the child’s brain can be accelerated. Especially at the age of 0-2 years. This can result in e.g. attention problems. It can also create cognitive delays, learning difficulties, increased impulsivity and lack of self-control.

Children should not use smartphones
Children with smartphone

Excessive radiation

The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies mobile phones as a danger to children. Even for adults, because they emit radiation. Children are more sensitive to it, which increases the risk of cancer.

3. Mental illness

A large number of studies have revealed that excessive use of new technologies  significantly increases the risk of childhood depression and anxiety. It causes a range of comorbidities,  attention problems, bipolarity, psychoses and other behavioral problems.

One problem that is also associated with Smartphones is those that follow on social media. Here there is a risk that a child may be bullied online.

Aggressive behavior

With new technologies, there is a greater risk that children will see violent and aggressive content. Which can affect their behavior.

We must keep in mind that children imitate everything they see, which makes it dangerous to expose a child to content that you have not even checked yourself. Therefore, as parents, you should be aware of what your children are doing.

5. Change in sleep

Experts indicate that when parents do not keep track of their children’s use of technology in the bedroom, they may have a  harder time falling asleep due to the use of telephones at night. The lack of sleep will have a major impact on their academic performance and on their health.

6. Attention deficit disorder

Excessive use of technology can also result in ‘attention deficit disorder’ in the child. As well, it can also limit their interaction with other children or people.

It can also reduce children’s concentration capacity and memory because the speed of delivery of content to these areas is affected.

7. Obesity in childhood

Frequent use of technology often leads to a sedentary lifestyle and it is a problem that is noticed in the home. The lack of activity makes children suffer from obesity. This can result in diseases such as diabetes or cardiovascular problems.

8. Addiction in childhood

Some studies conclude that 1 in 11 children aged 8 to 18 are dependent on a new technology. These numbers are alarming and there is a chance that they will only get worse over the years.

Every time children use an electronic device, they create a greater distance between themselves and their parents, family and friends.

Children should not use smartphones
Boy with smartphone

When can children and young people start using smartphones?

The Japanese Association of Pediatricians launched a campaign to ban smartphones for children,  with a proposal to parents that they control their children and do more creative games with them.

The American Academy of Pediatrics and the Canadian Association of Pediatricians have found that infants aged 0-2 years should not use technology. At the same time, children from 3-5 years should only use the technology to a limited extent. One hour a day is sufficient. Finally, for children and adolescents aged 6-18 years, technology should only be used for a maximum of two hours a day.

We should be aware of the dangers that new technology can have on children and young people.

It is difficult to avoid using new appliances, because we are pretty much born with them in hand nowadays. But children should not use smartphones in an excessive way as it can do harm.

It is important that technology does not get in the way of other time consumption, such as to spend time with family or to read a book.

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