Crooked Teeth In Children: What Should I Do?

Skewed teeth in children not only affect their appearance. They can also cause other problems in the mouth.
Skewed teeth in children: What should I do?

Skewed teeth in children are a frequent concern for parents. Having a misaligned tooth set creates social problems for the child, which can be teased and ashamed of the appearance of their mouth and cause low self-esteem.

But it does not only have these aesthetic and social consequences. The presence of crooked teeth can cause other changes in the mouth, as we explain in more detail below. In addition, we will guide you on what to do if your child suffers from this problem.

Most common problems with crooked teeth in children

As we have already mentioned, one of the consequences of crooked teeth in children is the look they give to smiles. Additionally, an incorrectly adjusted bite can cause other changes.

Children may have difficulty chewing, eating and talking or suffer from headaches or earaches. In addition , crooked teeth preserve food debris and complicate oral hygiene, which promotes the occurrence of various diseases in the mouth.

The following are the main consequences of crooked teeth in children.

Aesthetic problems

A small child with crooked teeth

As we have already mentioned, crooked teeth in children change the look of their smile. People tend to regard harmonious teeth as beautiful, and crooked teeth do not meet this standard of beauty.

This damages children’s self-esteem, who may feel embarrassed about the appearance of the mouth. In addition, they may suffer from teasing from their peers, which increases the feeling of insecurity around their self-perception. It is a fairly common behavior in children suffering from this problem to hide their smile.

Skewed teeth and poor oral hygiene

Skewed teeth in children can interfere with oral hygiene. Because they are not adjusted properly, food accumulates in certain areas inaccessible to brushing and flossing.

Bacterial plaque increases in these areas and can become calcified, giving rise to tartar. This large spread of bacteria gives rise to other oral problems such as bad breath, cavities and gingivitis.


As plaque accumulates in areas where neither brushing nor flossing can remove it, the risk of cavities increases. The accumulated bacteria convert carbohydrates and produce an acid that is able to demineralize the teeth.

This repeated and sustained activity destroys the hard tissues of the teeth. To begin with, it looks like a white spot. If it continues, it will get darker. Then holes appear that start in the enamel and move towards the dentin and can even affect the root.


Gingivitis in children also comes from the accumulation of bacterial plaque in areas where it is difficult to eliminate . These microorganisms produce an inflammatory response in the gum tissue, which swells, hurts, turns red and bleeds easily.

If left untreated, it can develop into periodontitis. Although this is not so common in children, it is a risk. Here, the infection is much deeper and affects tissues that support the tooth, such as ligaments and bone.

Tooth decay

The bidet works properly when the upper and lower teeth interact harmoniously, corresponding to a perfect gear. When the teeth are crooked, they generate collisions and sudden contacts that end up damaging the teeth involved.

It is common to observe the progressive wear on some areas of the tooth surface due to misplaced teeth. Since they are not aligned, bites produce atypical contacts that rub and wear down into the tissue.

Solutions for crooked teeth in children

To correct incorrectly adjusted teeth in children, orthodontics is necessary. There are several alternatives to devices to be used, which depend on each clinical case, the patient’s age, their needs and options.

Below we go into detail regarding the most common treatments for solving problems with crooked teeth in children.

Orthodontics with braces

Child with brace on

Braces are a method of fixed regulation that the dentist places on the teeth and the patient cannot remove. They consist of brackets that adhere to the surface of the teeth and the metal arch that goes through them. Sometimes it is necessary to add other accessories to this system.

The structures of the device produce pressure capable of mobilizing the teeth. They are able to individually move each tooth in any direction.

They are used in adolescence after the permanent teeth have already grown out, but take advantage of the fact that the bone is still growing. They come in different materials to meet the patient’s aesthetic needs and financial capabilities.

Therefore, there are sapphire and ceramic fittings for those who prefer that their hanger cannot be felt. And there are also metal fittings that are more economical. In addition, you can combine them with different colored elastic bands to make the process more fun.

Invisible braces for crooked teeth

Invisible braces are characterized by being removable, which means that the patient can attach and remove the device. It is an aesthetic and comfortable method that is suitable for children who achieve the same results as with fixed braces.

It consists of a group of transparent plastic rails made especially for each patient’s mouth. It is important to replace them from time to time so that they exert the necessary pressure to mobilize the teeth.

The patient can remove them to eat and brush their teeth as usual. However, the success of the treatment depends on whether you use them most of the day, at least 22 hours a day.

Skewed teeth: When is the best time to start braces?

Frequent dental check-ups make it possible to detect problems in time. If a dentist discovers a problem in the bidet, they begin to resolve it or make the corresponding referral to an orthodontist to prevent the situation from progressing.

The earlier you start treating these disorders in the mouth, the easier and more comfortable the treatment is, and the better the results.

Going to the dentist from the age of six and continuing with regular checkups allows the professional to monitor the appearance of the teeth. Therefore, if there are any changes, they will detect it and process it early.

It is best to make these corrections as soon as possible in young patients where the bone is still soft and growing. In adults, treatments are more time consuming, expensive and difficult.

Frequent dental visits are the key

Skewed teeth in children can cause many problems in the mouth. It not only affects the appearance of the baby. Regular visits to the dentist make it possible to detect and resolve these situations early. This not only improves the child’s quality of life, but also prevents longer and more expensive treatments in the future.

It is also important to maintain proper dental hygiene. By following our advice, you will help your children smile with peace of mind.

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