Elements For Holding A Healthy Birthday Party

If you are planning to decorate with brilliant colors, why not make the party food a part of the decoration?
Items to hold a healthy birthday party

One of the events that children look forward to the most is birthday parties. However, for most people, the food tends to be very unhealthy. So, why not try organizing a healthy birthday party for your child?

Birthdays are always something to celebrate,  but today we would like to suggest something original. We want to help you hold a healthy birthday party for your child.

Do you remember how much fun you had having birthday parties when you were a kid? The same goes for our children today who share the same enthusiasm when they see their family and friends, play games, open presents, and so on.

Generally, the food available for birthday parties consists of salty snacks, sweets and cake. It’s simply the way our culture does things.

That said, there is nothing stopping you from doing things differently and starting a new trend, especially when it comes to food. Below, you will find plenty of ideas on how to plan a healthy birthday party.

Add a little color with fruits and vegetables!

If you are planning to decorate with brilliant colors, why not make the party food a part of the decoration? In other words, buy a wide variety of fruits and vegetables that you can present. They will supply energy, fiber, vitamins and minerals… especially when in season.

Remember, it is best to serve the fruit raw and whole, although you can also make fruit smoothies. Another option is to make fruit skewers or vegetable sticks for dipping or greasing. You can also make wraps or roast some vegetables with spices.

Below, we will offer you even more ideas on how to put together a healthy birthday party that kids will enjoy.

rolls with squash

Healthy appetizers for the birthday

Snacks for birthday parties tend to be very salty, which can make children very thirsty. We recommend that you go for those that have a lower salt content, or better yet, make them yourself at home! Here are some examples:

  • Rustic french fries with rosemary, pepper and oregano.
  • Oven-roasted sweet potato sticks.
  • Spear with cherry tomato and mozzarella cheese.
  • Slices of eggplant and squash rolled together with sun-dried tomato and cashew butter. Simply cut the vegetables into thin skins and brown them on each side. When ready, spread out the tomato mixture and roll them up.
  • Crunchy, oven-roasted chickpeas. You can season them with peppers, peppers, oregano, rosemary, cumin, etc.
  • Spear with squash, mushrooms and cherry tomato. 
  • Hummus. Led, make a classic version with chickpeas. Next, make another using carrots and one more using beets. Do not forget to accompany them with fresh vegetable sticks to dip with. For example, we recommend celery, carrots, peppers and cucumbers. You can also add slices of fresh, toasted bread.

Sandwiches as a main course for a healthy birthday party

There is no party that is complete without sandwiches, and the same goes for a healthy birthday party. A classic party sandwich consists of sliced ​​ham and cheese, and possibly sausage. However, we want to suggest some sandwich alternatives that are both healthy and delicious:

  • Tuna and roasted red peppers on toast.
  • Cucumber with cheese spread on a bowl. 
  • Chicken breast, salad and tomatoes on a bowl. You can also add neutral, Greek yogurt instead of mayonnaise.
  • Chicken fajita wraps with peppers and onions.
  • Sandwich with hummus, mushrooms and baby spinach.
  • Sandwich with peanut butter, topped with apple and banana slices. 
  • Sandwich with homemade hazelnut-cocoa cream.

Drinks to quench your thirst

As a health professional, and especially for birthday parties for children, I recommend that you try to avoid the presence of alcohol. Not only because it is unhealthy, but also to set a positive example for the children.

carrot cake

So, my suggestion is that – in addition to water – you prepare some  freshly squeezed lemonade or other fresh, homemade juice. Apples, oranges, pineapples, carrots and beets are excellent ingredients.

Another option is to make milk-based or yogurt-based smoothies along with fruits, such as bananas, strawberries or another type of berry.

How To Make A Cake For A Healthy Birthday Party

And, just like with any other child’s birthday, the birthday boy or girl wants to blow out the candles. Therefore, there must be a great birthday cake. Most kids want a chocolate cake, but there are many delicious flavors to choose from. For example,  carrot cake or lemon cake are also excellent choices. In fact, any cake with fruit will be a sure hit with the little ones.

The best solution is always to prepare a birthday cake yourself when planning a healthy birthday party. That way, you can control the amount of sugar you add and replace the butter with a healthier option. For example, olive oil, apple sauce or coconut oil.

Otherwise, you can always order a cake from a bakery. Eating a little birthday cake once in a while does not really pose any health risk.

Now that you’ve seen some ideas for the menu, it’s time to plan some fun games so you can keep the kids going. We are sure that the celebration will be so successful that more parents will also want to plan a healthy birthday party for their children.

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