First Heartbeat Made Me Love You

At some point in life, every woman will dream of, or at least fantasize about, becoming a mother. It is the only “exam” where you start by getting a diploma and then you study the subject in your own university at home.
First heartbeat made me love you

I love you, have always loved you and will always love you. I’ve loved you since your first heartbeat, told me about your presence. From that moment, I knew you would become my favorite person in the whole world. My hero in this confusing world. I did not fully appreciate that I would never be alone again.

We have almost all dreamed of the moment when a part of ourselves leaves the cradle in our stomach, and then lets ourselves take it in our arms. Furthermore, with all the cancer and longing in the heart, one wants to feel the unmistakable, magical signs of the child within.

When you finally hear the first heartbeat from its little heart on the first ultrasound scan, an inexplicable feeling will overwhelm you. There is life within you. Over time, a few small arms and a few small legs will begin to move. It will make you aware that joy can take many forms. In this case, the joy is a child.

I’ve loved you since your first heartbeat

animation of a mother with her child in a nest

The love that can arise after struggling through a birth is impressive and incomprehensible. The affection you begin to experience as soon as you observe and embrace your baby for the first time is as inexplicable as it is incomparable. It completely measures up to touching the clouds with your own hands.

I can say with the utmost conviction that I have loved you since I felt this perfect synchronization in my womb. The harmonious music of our hearts that played to the tune of the future. You got to know me like no one else does. You felt me. I learned to interpret what you were doing in my stomach through those nine months.

The first movements

I remember your first movements. The first heartbeats for scanning. To begin with, they created butterflies in the stomach. Filled with love and feeling. Then came the hands and elbows. You painted the most beautiful smiles on my face. I also had some anxiety. I had already dreamed of having you in my arms – like being in heaven.

At long last, the long-awaited miracle happened. Our first big date. This one had no margin of error and could not fail. I knew I would meet the true love of my life. It is a love different from the others: deep, pure, unconditional, and above all, boundless and eternal.

My heart exploded with joy. I felt proud from the moment the positive pregnancy test told about your presence. I never felt so happy and fortunate as when you said “mom” the first time with a barely coherent sound, but so sweet and tender.

The definition of the word changed by being uttered from your mouth. It took on a different meaning, a different dimension. I felt blessed by all the angels. I must admit that motherhood, from the first moment, has been a beautiful path of sensations, feelings and dreams.

I loved you before I could touch your face

drawing of a mother with fetus in her womb

I’ve loved you for a long time. Longer than you can imagine. Even before I could imagine a face. Before I knew it I was expecting a prince or a princess in my palace. Before I heard the first heartbeats. My body, your sweet home, changed and adopted until your arrival.

Inside my stomach was my confidant and best friend. Him who can no doubt confirm that he knows me like no other. I have spoken to you, caressed you and sung for you both day and night. I knew you felt me. The truth shook me as I carried you and felt our unique and special connection.

I also struggled through

Of course, not everything was perfect, through the idyllic, long wait. Sometimes I felt scared, and fear invaded me. So many doubts and feelings of restlessness. Sometimes it felt like the world was falling apart. There were symptoms. I had to deal with the difficulty of obtaining the prize.

I struggled through longings, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, insomnia, digestive problems and back pain. That’s the price I chose to pay for love. I struggled to fund the beautiful life we ​​now have to live. It was worth it. I knew this, from the moment I kissed your nose and you looked at me the first time.

The day you came into my life, I knew I would never be alone again. I dedicated myself to taking care of you, and taking care of you with my life. I swore that nothing bad would happen to you.

I promised to teach you to see the world through the eyes of the heart. And even though I can not stop you from falling, I promise you that I will be ready with a helping hand so you can get up to stand again. I offered you my love and respect so you can practice in this whenever you want. I love you and that’s why I’ve weaving a few wings for you so you can fly high whenever you want.

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