Homework: Teach Your Children To Help At Home

It is a good idea to teach your child to help out at home at an early age. We give you some good advice in this article.
Homework: Teach your children to help at home

You have certainly heard that it is good for your children to help with the household chores. And it’s true! We tell you why and we explain how you can introduce the domestic duties .

It is the beginning of a fundamental lesson when children help in the home: they learn the ability to be independent. Something as basic and routine as being in charge of certain tasks can make your children grow up in a safe and independent way so that they are able to achieve their goals.

Experts recognize that it is very beneficial for children to help with the household chores adapted to their age and abilities.

Benefits of helping with household chores

There are many benefits to letting your children help with smaller tasks around the home.

  • It promotes their self-esteem. When they know they are capable of performing household chores, they get a sense of satisfaction while boosting their self-confidence.
  • It calls for independence. Being autonomous must be one of the goals of parenting. It should be a priority to raise children who are able to withstand difficulties in life, without being dependent on anyone but themselves.
Daughter helps mom and dad with the cleaning in the home
  • It teaches accountability. Accountability is the ability to face difficulties, without fleeing or giving up.
  • It promotes collaboration. Children will learn to work together. It is beneficial for them to know how to handle tasks. Together you can do several things better.
  • It promotes order and hygiene. It is important for children to know that it is necessary to have a tidy and clean home. When there is order in the home, it can help organize ideas. It is about establishing basic rules of coexistence so that they can have their own home in the future.
  • It promotes the ability to help others. Collaboration makes children understand that these duties are the responsibility of everyone – not just mom and dad. Your child will feel great satisfaction when they have helped the rest of the family.

How to teach your child about cooperation

There are several pieces of advice you can follow when teaching your child about cooperation through domestic duties.

1. Do not be too commanding. The goal is to get your child to internalize discipline and accountability by having household duties. If you command with your child, it becomes an obligation and therefore it becomes something that the child does not bother. Suggest allocating tasks and collaboration.

2. Make assignment schedules. Everyone will perform their assigned task according to their age and abilities.

3. Help when needed. Avoid performing the tasks for them. Teach them how to do it themselves, help each other, or just be around while performing the task alone.

4. Do not  shout  or criticize. You must avoid looking for perfection. They will improve over time, but you have to be patient. Avoid yelling at them or imposing your own methods. They will achieve their own perfection.

5. Reward their efforts. You need to appreciate the work when they are done. Do not forget that it has a greater and better effect when you say they have done well than when you criticize them.

Duties appropriate to their age

You can not just give them any task. You have to choose specific tasks according to their age.

Remember that the more they think it’s a game, the more they will cooperate. Perform a reward system for each task completed; this method can not fail.

Toddlers (2-3 years)

  • They have to throw their dirty diapers in the trash
  • They need to clean up their own toys
  • They have to put their dirty clothes in the washing machine
  • They must feed the pet
  • They have to go to the toilet alone
  • They must try to put on clothes themselves

Children 4-6 years

  • They have to clean up their room themselves
  • They need to save their own bed
  • They have to fold their own clothes
Boy helps by sweeping the floor

Children 7-10 years

  • They need to water plants
  • They have to help with the dishes
  • They have to save their bed themselves
  • They must help with the cleaning: sweeping, dusting, etc.

Children 10-12 years

  • They must fill the dishwasher
  • They have to help with the cooking
  • They have to go out with the garbage

The sooner you teach your children to help with household chores, the sooner they learn that things are not done by themselves, and therefore their help is needed.

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