How To Create Good Study Habits For Your Child

One of the struggles that every child faces is schoolwork. Therefore, it is important to create good study habits at a young age.
How to create good study habits for your child

In this article, we share some methods to help your child create good study habits. Over time, your child will do their homework quite naturally.

Good study habits: Challenge what they can achieve

Ensuring that children do their schoolwork at home can be a challenge for parents. Trying to encourage children to study responsibly can be difficult.

Therefore, it is important to incorporate certain behaviors in a step-by-step manner depending on their level of education and age.

According to Eurostat data from 2001, Spain, for example. d a highest proportion of dropping out of school (20%) in Europe. In Spain, one in 5 children drop out of school.

Among other factors are; poor results and failure in school push many children to drop out.

In their first few years of school, you should help children find useful tools and techniques to incorporate good study habits. This will help them stay in school.

Creating good study habits is similar to working life. To study, they must plan and organize, concentrate, understand, and follow good habits.

Planning work

The ideal time

It is important for your child to integrate a daily study routine little by little.

They should start dedicating between 20 and 30 minutes to school assignments.  As often as possible, they need to find 10 minutes.

Boy study

Time of the day

Another relevant factor is to find the best time of day, to sit and study.

Many professionals recommend that study time begin when your child returns home from school, to take advantage of that momentum from school.

But depending on the child, it may be better to let them relax and play a little first. The key is to adhere to the time frame every day.

Important to organize

As your child’s homework load increases, there are certain options they can use to help. You can use online tools to make their use of time more efficient.

Calendars and notepads are useful tools for planning, finding and writing down information and tackling other tasks.


Children’s environment and surroundings are extremely important when it comes to studying.

Ideally, there should be a space in the home dedicated to school assignments. This will help your child avoid the distraction from home activities.

Make sure they have what they need and can work in silence. It is also important to organize and clean the room regularly.

In addition to avoiding distractions from cell phones, TV, video games and other games, it is important to use the time appropriately.

For restless children, it can be very helpful to spend time solely studying and then taking a break and resting. This will help them get better results.

Tools for understanding

Depending on their age, it is important for children to use certain tools to help them adopt effective learning habits. These habits will help them in more advanced stages of study.

Girl draws

First, we can teach them:

  • Reading Thoroughly : Reading is not useless if they do not understand what they are reading. To create a habit of reading and helping them understand, we can first read with our children and ask them questions about the text.
  • Underline and sketch : Both of these techniques are useful for understanding. Teach them to pick out the most important ideas so they can emphasize them. Guide them to create contours with keywords. These are both good options.
  • Use study techniques. Understanding the meaning of texts, identifying main ideas, creating sketches and summarizing, to visualize their relationships is the perfect way to deepen the summary of the basic content. All of these techniques will make it easier to study.

In fact, we do not place sufficient emphasis on the importance of education. The first stages of schooling are the key to our children learning to study.

Always be aware that consistency, understanding and daily effort are fundamental aspects of achieving favorable study habits.

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