How To Deal With Heartburn And Indigestion During Pregnancy

It is very common to experience heartburn and indigestion during pregnancy, especially during the third trimester. However, you can prevent and reduce the discomfort by adjusting your diet.
How to deal with heartburn and indigestion during pregnancy

As your pregnancy progresses, you will notice a wide range of symptoms. These are caused by the development of the fetus, and the physical and metabolic changes in your body as follows. These changes do not affect all pregnant women in the same way – every pregnancy has different symptoms. However, almost everyone experiences heartburn and indigestion during pregnancy.

This unpleasant condition is characterized by feeling heaviness or acidity after a meal.

Heartburn and indigestion are common symptoms that can occur at any stage of your pregnancy, but they are most common in the second and third trimesters.

What causes indigestion during pregnancy?

Indigestion during pregnancy can have several different causes, including diet and uterine growth.

Hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy are another factor. More specifically, progesterone plays a major role when it comes to heartburn and indigestion during pregnancy.

In pregnant women, the placenta produces progesterone, which relaxes the smooth muscles of the uterus. Unfortunately, this hormone has the same effect on the upper abdominal muscle, which separates the stomach and esophagus.

This means that stomach acid can rise up into the esophagus, giving a burning sensation known as heartburn or acid regurgitation.

The hormone also causes your digestive system to contract more slowly, making the digestive process slower. In combination with the growing baby, which is pressing against your stomach, this can lead to some discomfort.

Pregnant woman drinks a glass of water: How to deal with indigestion during pregnancy.

Medicines for indigestion during pregnancy

Although it is difficult to avoid this symptom completely, there are some things you can do to delay or reduce the onset of it. These things work well to relieve heartburn and indigestion during pregnancy, and they reduce discomfort, making it easier to endure.

  • Avoid overeating. During pregnancy, meals should be light. It is better to eat several small meals and snacks throughout the day. That way, you satisfy your appetite while avoiding indigestion.
  • Be careful with certain foods. It is a good idea to avoid high-fat or spicy foods, beverages that contain caffeine or tea and sugary desserts. Putting up your fruit and vegetable intake is also a great way to prevent indigestion during pregnancy.
  • Take your time. Chew your food slowly before swallowing it. This will facilitate digestion. Eating your meals slowly also helps prevent the burning sensation.
  • Drink water between meals. It is especially important to get enough water during pregnancy. However, it is also possible to drink too much: The excess fluid leads to swelling.
  • Chew gum after meals. This will stimulate your salivary glands. Saliva helps neutralize acid.
  • Avoid eating just before bedtime. Wait an hour or two to be able to digest better. You can also try sleeping at an angle of approx. 45 degrees. This position helps to avoid regurgitation by holding the stomach acid in the stomach.
  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing and avoid clothing that tightens around your waist and abdomen.
  • Do not smoke. In addition to being harmful to your health in general, and especially during pregnancy, smoking also increases the amount of stomach acid.
  • Avoid stress. Seek peace and quiet, and try light physical activity or breathing exercises. This will not only help with the burning sensation, it will also make you more comfortable in general.
How to deal with heartburn and indigestion in pregnancy: Diet.

What can you do if your indigestion does not go away?

If you have tried all these tips and your discomfort does not go away, there are some natural home remedies that can relieve many of the symptoms. Drinking plenty of water is a great place to start.

Another home remedy is to swallow a teaspoon of olive oil on an empty stomach. This helps absorb fatty acids.

Moderate intake of milk and yogurt can also help soothe your symptoms. However, some women are sensitive to dairy products and may experience a worsening of symptoms.

If none of these remedies work, talk to your doctor and ask about specific medications. Antacids work quickly, but it can also have unpleasant side effects.

Remember that all medications you take must be prescribed by your doctor as it can affect your health and the development of your baby.

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