Irrational Fear In Childhood

One of the ways your children can overcome irrational fears is if you show them that you are not afraid. 
Irrational fear in childhood

Irrational fear in childhood is a common thing. Fortunately, there are a few forms that can help the little ones overcome this problem.

Irrational fears in childhood are a common problem in many children. Unfortunately, it can be a source of frustration for parents, as it often seems that none of what they say or do seems to help.

Children may have irrational fears about monsters under the bed, darkness or even everyday noises. Keep in mind that these fears are common in childhood. The role of parents is to transmit a sense of calm and support to their young children.

Meanwhile, it is important to know that the goal is not to eliminate the anxiety completely. Instead, it is to help them  learn how to deal with their  irrational childhood fears  so that they have less influence.

Helping them control their fears is the most important thing. This can be achieved if you just follow a few steps.

One study indicates that parents need to identify their children’s fears and acknowledge that they, for the child, are real. It is important to remain calm, show empathy and, most importantly, never force children into dangerous situations. Read this article to read more.

How to overcome irrational fears in childhood

1. Respect their opinions

The first piece of advice when it comes to helping your child overcome irrational fears is to respect his or her opinion. Although the fears do not seem to have a basis,  the child has reasons to experience this feeling. As a parent, you need to listen and help him or her with these feelings.

All children have the right to express their fears. These should not be downplayed or rejected, nor should you force your children to show excessive courage. You need to understand your children and give respectful advice to help them feel more and more secure.

scared boy holding on to his mother

2. Give them all the information they need

While it may seem obvious,  sometimes it is necessary to give children all the information they need. Children are still figuring out how the world works, as well as the elements that surround them. It is a stage where they are still finding their way according to cause and effect.

The more information you give your children,  the more they will know about the world around them, and the less they will worry. 

If, for example, they are afraid of storms, tell them where the thunder and lightning are coming from. Do not forget that this knowledge will help them feel calmer and more secure.

3. Control their use of media

Third, consider that  pictures from movies, video games, music videos, and even the news on television can have a negative effect  and make irrational fears in childhood worse. Therefore, we recommend that you keep an eye on your child’s use of media.

You can even teach your children to use the remote control and  turn off the television when anxiety-producing images appear on the screen. As a parent, you need to teach your children how to use age-appropriate content responsibly.

4. Project self-confidence to alleviate irrational fears in childhood

One of the ways your children can overcome irrational fears is if you show them that you are not afraid. Simply telling them not to be afraid can make certain situations even worse.

However,  if your children feel your self-confidence, they will begin to believe that there is nothing to be afraid of. It is an excellent way to give your children the courage they need to overcome any irrational fear.

5. Read books for those who deal with fear management

Our last recommendation is that  you read children’s books that show scary situations to help them overcome their fears. It is a workable strategy that allows children to identify with the characters who share their anxiety.

boy reading in book

This shows children that there are other people who feel the same way. This will allow them to be more open about their fears. Putting their feelings into words will help alleviate children’s concerns.

Finally, do not forget that  all children need help to overcome irrational fears in childhood. It is an age of exploration and discovery. Therefore, you need to respect their anxiety.

While they probably will not overcome their fear right away, they will learn how to better deal with it. Do not hesitate to use these tips to help your children.

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