Montessori Games For Children From 0 To 3 Years

Montessori games for kids will benefit their learning and cognitive development. And the best part is that they are fun!
Montessori games for children from 0 to 3 years

In today’s article we are going to look at some Montessori games for kids from 0 to 3 years old. These games help them develop their vocabulary, logical reasoning and motor skills as well as self-awareness.

Montessori methodology is an educational method based on respect and stimulation of children. It provides children with a suitable environment to learn in. These games are organized, eye-catching, simple and practical. In addition, each of the goals in these games are necessary for your child’s development.

As an adult, your only role in these games is to observe and guide your child. This allows them to act, choose and think for themselves. Every effort the child makes teaches them something new. Want to learn about some Montessori games for kids from 0 to 3 years old? Read along.

Montessori games for children from 0 to 3 years

Example of Montessori games for children from 0 to 3 years

Face recognition game


  • Velcro
  • Colored felt
  • Glue to fabric
  • Scissors

How to make it

  • Cut out a piece of skin-colored felt in the shape of a face. If you want, you can also make a whole body. This would be helpful if you want your child to learn the different parts of the body.
  • Then make eyes, hair, nose, mouth, eyebrows, etc. Cut everything out so you have it ready for later.
  • If you want, you can add other decorative items like glasses, bow, mustache, hat, some earrings, etc.
  • Once all the parts have been cut out to the face, stick a piece of velcro on the back of each piece and to the part of the face where each piece belongs.
  • Then the child must place each part of the face in the right place.

Benefits of this game

This game helps your child become more aware of themselves, their body and face. Additionally, it will help them increase their vocabulary because they are learning the different parts of the face or body.



  • Paper tubes of different sizes
  • Different colors of paint
  • Plastic cups
  • Different colored bowls
  • Colored pompoms
  • Colored or painted paste
  • Double sided tape
  • Brushes

How to play

  • Paint cardboard tubes with the colors you want and stick them on the wall using the double-sided adhesive tape. Then place plastic cups under each one. These will ensure that the things you put in the cardboard tubes do not fall down.
  • Then paint the paste in the same colors as the painted tubes or use already colored paste and place them all in a bowl. Instead, you can also use colored pompoms. Then your child has to sort the objects by colors. When they sort, your child puts pompoms or pasta in the corresponding tube.

Benefits of this game

This activity helps your child develop their logical and mathematical skills. In addition, they learn to organize, classify, and sort, which improves their sequential memory.

Girl with balls as part of Montessori games for children from 0 to 3 years

Production of geometric shapes with ice sticks


  • Ispinde
  • Paint or markers
  • Velcro


  • Paint the ice sticks in different ways or buy colored sticks.
  • Then put a piece of velcro on the tip of each peg. Attach the velcro with one type on the front and the opposite type on the back.
  • Then your child can start using them to make different shapes, like triangles, squares, a houseā€¦ pretty much anything they want.

Benefits of this game

With this game, your child will develop their logical reasoning and creativity. They also learn the different geometric shapes and colors while working on their classification skills.

Feeling box: A Montessori game for kids


  • Durable cardboard
  • Glue
  • Bubble wrap
  • Skulls
  • Mushrooms
  • Pens
  • Fabric
  • A piece of wood
  • Stone
  • Different types of pasta
  • Pompons

You can add anything else you can think of.

How to make it

  • Cut cardboard to a size that fits all your materials.
  • Then glue each of your materials to the box; Be sure to mix the different colors and textures. Then let your child experiment with the box and touch all the different structures.


This game helps to develop your child’s senses and it also helps the child to improve their fine motor skills.

Conclusion on Montessori games for kids

In this article, we reviewed some of the best Montessori games for kids from 0 to 3 years old. You can play these games at home and they will be very entertaining for the little one. In addition, they are extremely beneficial for their development.

Although these games are for your child, you should always be present when they play so that you can guide them and encourage them. What are you waiting for? Start playing!

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