Natural Remedies To Speed Up Labor Pains

Natural remedies to speed up labor pains
Natural remedies to speed up labor pains

Natural remedies to speed up labor pains are very popular among expectant mothers. The desire to meet their baby causes women to make use of various methods to speed up this particular moment.

However, you should not use any of these techniques until your 36th week. You would not want to have contractions prematurely by mistake until your baby is fully developed.

Moreover, most of these methods have not shown strong evidence that they work. Therefore, it is always a good idea to check with your doctor to be sure that it is a good option for you.

You should keep in mind that any method of speeding up labor pains can increase your chances of getting a cesarean section and other emergency interventions. Be sure to be careful with these methods if you decide to use any.

5 natural remedies to speed up labor pains

Here is a list of the most well-known natural remedies to speed up labor pains:

1. Red raspberry leaf tea

Drinking red raspberry leaf tea helps both balance hormones and tones your uterus. This natural remedy is rich in vitamins A, B, C, and E, and also contains important minerals such as magnesium, potassium, and calcium.

This tea shortens the duration of labor and can reduce the need for medical interventions during childbirth. We recommend drinking 3 or 4 cups of tea every day during your third trimester.

Natural remedies to speed up labor pains

2. Primrose oil

Primrose oil is recommended for pregnant women who have reached their due date or women who have previously given birth too late.

It is rich in linolenic acid. This helps to soften and discolor the cervix in the weeks before birth. Therefore, it also causes the production of prostaglandins.

You can take capsules of primrose oil orally or insert it directly into the vagina. If you want to insert it, make sure it is located close to the cervix.

3. Castor oil

Castor oil is the classic tool for inducing contractions naturally. You should use this method with caution and only if your doctor approves it. It causes your bowel to start contracting, which can cause your uterus to start contracting.

But you should know that intestinal contractions cause diarrhea. This can be uncomfortable and can, in the worst case, lead to dehydration.

If you choose to use this method, be sure to drink plenty of coconut water. This helps you stay hydrated and keep your electrolyte levels up. Since castor oil does not taste so good, you can add a spoonful to a smoothie or a glass of orange juice.

4. Natural remedies like pineapple are good for speeding up contractions

Pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain, which causes your cervix to expand. Eating this fruit actually helps speed up your labor pains. You should know that pineapple contains only very small amounts of this enzyme that has proteolytic effect.

But eating lots of pineapple can stimulate your gut, and can, like castor oil, increase activity in the womb. You should eat fresh pineapple as bromelain is destroyed when canned or processed into juice.

Pregnant woman out walking

5. A natural remedy is to go

The last natural remedy to speed up labor pains is to walk. While it is an excellent exercise for expectant mothers, it also moves the baby closer to the cervix at the end of pregnancy.

In addition, it releases oxytocin which is the hormone that helps to trigger and regulate contractions. Therefore, mothers who are close to or past the due date may want to go more to help speed up their labor pains.

Finally, you must first get your doctor’s approval before trying these natural remedies.

In general, it is best to let the baby set his or her own date of birth, even if it means waiting a little longer. Your baby will be here before you know it!

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