Pregnancy Number 2: How Different Is It From The First?

Pregnancy number 2 is likely to be more relaxed and less stressful than the first, since the first pregnancy always contains mixed feelings. 
Pregnancy number 2: How different is it from the first?

Your first pregnancy is a new, and often scary, experience, but also an exciting one. Becoming a mother is a huge responsibility and you may have many doubts about pregnancy and childbirth.

Through pregnancy number 2, however, you will feel better prepared, and better informed, than before, giving you peace of mind. You know that a pregnancy involves risks and pain, but you also know how much it’s all worth.

Giving birth is something you have experienced before and you know you are capable of doing it again. 

Despite all this, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. Pregnancy number 2 tends to be different from the first in different ways, some of which are quite important.

Differences between first and second pregnancy

1. This time, your stomach will grow faster

In your first pregnancy, your stomach will start to become visible around the fifth or sixth month.

In pregnancy number 2, it will happen differently because the muscles in your abdomen are a bit more relaxed. This means that they adapt more quickly to the changes that are happening and you may already see your bulge on your stomach from around the third month. 

2. Your stomach is not bigger

Despite what you may have heard, your stomach is no bigger than it was before. Through pregnancy # 2, it will grow as much as it did the first time. 

pregnant woman in knit sweater

3. You may not have the same symptoms as you first had

You will not necessarily suffer from the same symptoms that you had at the first pregnancy. Typical side effects, such as nausea and back pain, are likely to still occur, but other, more serious symptoms, such as hyperemesis gravidarum, may not recur.

4. You will feel your baby’s movements earlier

In pregnancy number 2,  you may start to feel your baby’s movements from around week 14.  In first-time mothers, this usually happens in week 20 or 21 of pregnancy.

5. Birth can be a different experience

Even if you had a previous caesarean section, you can give birth naturally during pregnancy number 2. Your scar will not cause any problems to be able to give birth.

It is also important to note that  even if your water goes spontaneously the first time, this is not necessarily the case with pregnancy number 2. 

6. A cut in the middle flesh is not always necessary

Today, doctors only perform cuts in the groin when strictly necessary. However, if you got one when you last gave birth, it is possible that you will need it again.

7. Participating in birth preparation is a good idea

Even if you have already been through this in your first pregnancy,  it is always advisable to take these hours again. They will give you a chance to do physical and relaxing exercises, and meet other mothers.

8. You may be expanding faster than you did the first time

The enlargement process should be faster when you give birth for the second time. For example, if it took 24 hours for you to expand the first time, it should take less than half as long, the second time.

How do I prepare for pregnancy number 2?

When making the decision to bring a new member to the family, you need to prepare yourself, both physically and mentally. Many changes will take place, which will  not only affect you but also your partner and your second child.

Make sure you analyze your situation so that it helps you make the right decision, at the right time.

1. Start taking care of your health before you get pregnant

We often make the mistake of starting to take care of our health when we find out that there is a baby on the way. In fact, it is important to do this before you get pregnant, as your body needs time to adjust.

Stop smoking and drinking, start taking folic acid and keep an eye on what you eat. 

a pair of braids around a pair of children's shoes

2. Go to the doctor

It is important to see a doctor during this pregnancy. Checking before pregnancy is crucial  to make sure your body is ready to undergo this process again.

Your doctor can also help clear up any doubts you may have about getting pregnant a second time.

Leave the right amount of time between your first and second pregnancies

It is important to leave enough time between the birth of your first baby and your second pregnancy. A gap of 2-5 years is ideal,  but there should be no problem as long as you make sure there is a minimum of 6 months between pregnancies.

Every family is different, so choose the best for your own when that time comes.

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