Quickening: The First Movements Your Baby Makes

From the day we find out about our pregnancy, we always believe that we feel the baby moving. Experts say, however , that it is only after the 13th week that this happens. Quickening is defined as the first set of movements produced by the fetus in the womb.

They start as gentle movements almost like an imperceptible tingle. The confusion can occur when it is time to differentiate the initial movements from gases. However, mothers will soon be able to feel the difference as the fetus begins to move more and more with a certain pattern.

Babies usually move all day, but in newborns, movements are a little difficult to notice. In other pregnancies, it is easier to identify what is happening. There are first-time mothers who can only begin to feel it as late as the 20th week.

Remember, all pregnancies are different and every woman can have their own perception of it. The time frame in which the first movements are felt is usually between 13 and 25 weeks.

Why does Quickening happen?

Fetal movement

Fetal development does not stop from the moment of conception. But when we talk about a small embryo, there are not many obvious signs of life. This is why as they begin to evolve over time, they begin to give us more signs of life.

Just as we wake up after a long night’s sleep, the fetus stretches and bends their small extremities. We understand that the first movements are gentle due to the small size of the fetus.

As the pregnancy continues, the movements become stronger. They begin to perform actions that we interpret as kicks and punches. They are now larger and can therefore move around with more force.

As time goes on, mothers may begin to interact with their babies in the womb. This is because they respond to our movements. It may be that our attitude makes them uncomfortable; they will tell us this by making movements. There are occasions when the food we eat can affect our baby and make them move more.

Our emotions can also provoke these movements. Some experts believe that when a baby is quiet and still in the womb, it is because they are scared, maybe the mother is moving too much. On the contrary, when they move a lot, it is normal when mom is relaxed and quiet.

Although there are various reasons for quickening, the most basic reason is that it is a manifestation of the life of the fetus. It is perfectly normal and natural for them to start moving. In case they do not move, this may be a cause for concern. Yet we must remember that all pregnancies are different.

How much does the baby move?

Couple, doctor, ultrasound

As we have mentioned before, fetuses move around due to various reasons. We begin to notice them move more often and with stronger intensity. After feeling their first movements, we begin to notice all the others.

From the third trimester, we can begin to identify a pattern. This pattern can only be noticed if we follow it up. They move every day, perhaps at the same time or according to a specific stimulus, such as food that the mother eats. Many mothers say that their babies become more active while they are at rest.

We can see their movements daily and regularly. However, it is not completely static. That is, they move when they need it, sometimes their movements do not fall into the normal pattern. Similarly, changes occur from the third trimester because the baby gets bigger and the uterus in comparison gets a little too small for them.

It is important to pay attention to their movements. We should pay attention to when we feel them during the day. In case you start noticing the movements that decrease in frequency, you may need to consult your doctor.

It is ideal for a fetus to move about 10 times in a two-hour period. Try to count their kicks and note any changes.

From the 28th week, it is very important to follow your baby’s movements. This not only helps to discover possible problems, but it is also a unique moment to remember forever. Fastening and your child’s signs of life are a privilege for any mother. Take advantage of connecting with them and enjoy this step consciously.

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