Released From Fear – Keep Your Child Close To Your Skin And Soul

Mom, let your baby grow up close to you. Skin to skin, breath to breath, soul to soul. Keep your child close to you for the first three years of their lives. In this way you will give the world a strong and courageous child. Someone who is freed from fear.
Free from fear - Keep your child close to your skin and soul

Today we want to share the importance of letting your child grow up in an environment that promotes physical contact. Physical contact is the best stimulus; it helps promote children’s development, provides security and well-being. It also promotes neuronal connection to tactile, vocal, olfactory and sensory stimuli.

In this article, we will go even further than the development of a fetus, to talk about the child’s primary instincts and the importance of raising a child who is “liberated from fear”. Nowadays, the word “attachment” is often used, but before we continue, we should explain some terms. 

When it comes to the area of ​​personal development, “attachment” is related to our fixation on acquiring or releasing certain things, or connections that block the path of our freedom or identity.

On the other hand, in the context of raising a child, “attachment” is found in classical Bowlby theory. It reminds us of the importance of creating a strong and secure bond with the child, to promote their development and self-esteem, which will ultimately help to develop their independence.

In this article, we will suggest the following: keep your child close  by creating close contact and skin-to-skin contact, thus creating a positive connection between you and your child. In the long run, you will thus raise a child who is liberated from fear, insecurities and low self-esteem.

Fear is the most relevant instinct in a newborn

animation of fetus

There is no place that is safer, more perfect and more comfortable than the womb. Nothing bad happens, everything is undisturbed, everything is warm, satisfying and predictable. Birth exposes the newborn to a different, new world.

  • The first thing they feel is that they are detached from their mother’s interior, and then there are some strangers holding them, bathing them, weighing them and handling them.

Later, after feeling and getting to know their mother for the first time, they discover that from time to time they are placed in a cradle that is lonely and dark. Fear rumbles over them, they feel abandoned and feel they can not handle it…

I have just been born and everything scares me

Babies are born with brains that are not fully developed. They are governed by instincts and needs, and the only thing they seek is security, love, and food.

  • If there is anything that scares newborns through the first few months, it is separation from their mother. At this age, they are not able to understand that just because they are put in a cradle does not mean they have been abandoned. They do not understand that if they do not feel their mother’s warmth for a given moment, it does not mean that something bad is going to happen.

Their instinct of fear is a natural reaction with a unique purpose: to help them adapt. Therefore, let us not reinforce this feeling unnecessarily.

To be freed from fear – an essential daily investment

animation of mother holding her baby

Experts in parenting and child psychology tell us that close to 35 percent of babies develop insecure attachments. This may be due to growing up in an environment where parents do not pay attention to emotional attention from an early age. An environment where parents do not pay attention to their child when crying. An environment where children experience that they cannot count on their caregivers when they need them.

This lack of attachment undoubtedly has a big impact on their minds.

An insecure attachment causes addicted children. They are always “attached” to their insecurity and anxiety. Attached to such an extent that they do not know how to navigate. Little by little, disobedience, reluctance, and similar challenging behaviors will emerge.

How to Promote Your Child to Be Free from Fear

You need to understand that your baby has endless needs that need to be understood and handled.

  • Keep in mind that each baby is unique. Sometimes there are children who have greater demands and needs than others. 
  • Pay attention when they cry.
  • Always keep them close to you. If you work or spend a lot of time out of the house, use baby harnesses at home to keep them close to your skin and your chest.
  • Understand all their emotions. Do not cheapen or reinforce them. It’s about having patience, always being close, loving and consistent with your rules.
  • Know their fears.
  • Try little by little to promote their frustration tolerance.

Last but not least – do not forget to encourage them and build their self-esteem. Show them that you trust them. Let them see you as a wonderful and essential person in their life. Someone who will always give them security, encouragement, love and closeness…

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