The Importance Of Encouraging Children To Be Active

For children, being active for their physical, intellectual and emotional development is crucial. Although they are active by nature, they will end up surrendering to inactivity and laziness if we do not give them a hand. In the following article, we will talk about the importance of encouraging children to be active.
The importance of encouraging children to be active
Children are active by nature. However, if we do not give them the opportunity to be active, an inactive lifestyle will gradually become more and more common among them. Television and video games will end up being the primary (and perhaps only) means of enjoying leisure time for young people. That is why it is so important to encourage children to be active.

Children who are active not only have better health and better physical shape. They also have a better physical, social, cognitive and emotional development. If you do not give them the opportunity to move and be physically active, you will – in addition to promoting obesity – rob them of a harmonious and healthy development. That is why it is so important to encourage children to be active.

Why should we encourage children to be active?

Children can be active in many ways. A very common way is to play sports or engage in any form of physical activity. However, the little ones can also be active by playing freely, walking around, using the stairs instead of the elevator, running errands and even helping in the house.

Everything applies as long as they move. In fact, it does not matter what they do to stay active, as exercise in itself provides many benefits. It includes the following:

  • Improved cardiovascular capacity
  • Improved coordination and control of movements
  • Confidence in their own abilities
  • Improved self-esteem
  • Reduced risk of depression, anxiety and emotional grief
  • Development of strong bones and muscles
  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Reduced risk of future, chronic diseases
  • Improved skills according to learning and attention
  • Better opportunity to express and communicate
  • Opportunity to develop social skills such as collaboration, respect for others, problem solving, fair play and teamwork

10 reasons why children should be active

According to the American Council on Exercise, the primary reasons why children should be active and get plenty of exercise are the following:

  • Children who exercise are more likely to be active as adults
  • Exercise helps children reach and maintain a healthy body weight
  • Regular physical activity helps to develop and maintain strong and healthy muscles, bones and joints
  • Exercise improves the amount and quality of sleep
  • Studies show that training promotes attendance at school and improves academic performance
  • Children who exercise have a higher self-esteem and a better self-image
  • Participation in regular physical activity prevents or delays the development of many chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, and promotes health
  • Active children report fewer symptoms of anxiety and depression and are generally in a better mood
  • Training helps to improve motor coordination and enhances the development of several skills in motor performance

How can you encourage and help children be active?

The best way to get children to appreciate physical activity is to keep them active. It may seem simple, but it is not. Many children want to play, but we do not let them do that. Either because there are other things to do or because we ourselves are lazy.

Therefore, we need to take advantage of this natural impulse in children and let them move and play. It is, of course, without losing respect for others and the basic rules of coexistence.

Another very effective way to encourage children to be active is to see that adults are active. There is no point in asking them to move or play sports if they see adults protesting every time they have to make an effort, or if they spend a lot of time lying on the couch, watching television, playing on the cell phone or video games.

A good way to motivate children to be active is to play sports as a family. At the same time, it will also allow your children to move around and have fun if you get them to help with household chores and set an example by walking and taking the stairs whenever possible.

In short, physical activity is essential for children. It is not just a matter of physical development but also of mental and emotional development. Children who move are more creative because any opportunity for movement is an opportunity to play. They are also more cheerful, which helps them deal with stress and prevents anxiety and depression.

So, what about you? What are you waiting for to be active with your kids?

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