Tips For Getting Your Baby To Sleep

Tips for getting your baby to sleep

How can you get your baby to sleep? When you finally have your baby in your arms and are ready to go home, thousands of questions can begin to pass through your head, such as: How do I make sure my baby gets a good and safe night’s sleep?

A little anxiety is normal, wondering if we can guarantee our child’s well-being. They seem so fragile and are 100% dependent on us.

You will rule out any risk factors that may compromise your newborn’s well-being . Therefore, it is very important to be well informed about how you can get your baby to sleep.

For example, if you are calmer when you put your baby to bed, you will both have a more restful night’s sleep.

There are two important things that any mother fears can happen while her baby is sleeping. The first is cot death and the second is problems caused by reflux.

90% of cases of infants affected by cot death occurred between the first 2 and 6 months of life. After one year of age, the risk is reduced exponentially.
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Risk factors when you need to get your baby to sleep

get your baby to sleep

In the case of cot death (SIDS), the causes are not yet known. SIDS is an event that affects healthy children up to one year of age, without prior warning.

Even after an autopsy, the exact causes of SIDS are not known.

Experts believe that cot death, also known as “sudden unexpected infant death”, may be related to defects in the baby’s heart, or respiratory system.

Another alarming problem for mothers is when their baby experiences reflux.

Reflux is a temporary problem caused by an immature digestive system. However, the danger of reflux is that vomiting can enter the lungs and cause suffocation.

Myths and facts about sleeping babies

get your baby to sleep

For a long time, the consensus was that children should sleep on their stomachs. The idea was that reflux or vomiting could easily be expelled in this position, thus reducing the chances of suffocation.

However, this practice only increased cases of sudden death and caused a medical examination.

Thus, doctors now recommend that babies sleep on their backs. Since this change, suffocation deaths in infants during sleep have been significantly reduced.

Other recommendations for getting your baby to sleep safely are:

  • Choose a firm mattress s and prevent them from sleeping on soft surfaces.
  • Do not wrap them in blankets or duvets until they are one year old. In the meantime, keep them warm in climate-appropriate nightwear.
  • Make sure that the child’s room has adequate ventilation and is the appropriate temperature. Overdressing a child can cause overheating.
  • Keep your baby away from cigarette smoke.
  • Choose simple bedding, preferably cotton.
  • Use a pillow appropriate to the size of the baby. Avoid adult pillows. There are some specially designed baby reflux pillows that have a small angle.
  • Some pediatricians recommend that your baby not sleep with adults. When you breathe, carbon dioxide is exhaled, which is harmful to the baby when inhaled. Ultimately, co-sleeping is a personal decision.

By considering these recommendations, you ensure that your child has a restful sleep, is comfortable and also safe.

Thus, parents can remain calm while their baby sleeps and continues to grow.

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