Tips For Getting Your Figure Back After Birth

You need to understand that becoming a mother drastically changes your body. You will not be able to return immediately.
Tips for getting your figure back after birth

A woman’s body changes a lot during pregnancy. But with a good diet and a good plan for exercise, you can get your figure back easier than you think.

It is quite common for women to immediately want to do a routine of exercise and a strict postpartum diet. They are eager to get their figure back right away! But it is not a requirement and no one should demand it. You need to understand that becoming a mother drastically changes your body. You will not be able to return immediately.

If the mother is healthy and well, she must not push to get her figure back. It must be a personal decision that she herself is comfortable with and nothing more than that.

Not all women feel that bad with that few extra pounds on the body. Many women actually like their stretch marks because it symbolizes having given birth. There are also women who only feel good about a flat stomach, slim thighs and a trimmed figure.

You can get your old figure back after birth with a good diet and a daily exercise routine. It is not an impossible task. You just have to be persistent and focused.

Remember that you cannot see changes during a night. It is a long process and it takes time to achieve a good result.

Before embarking on this mission, it is important that a specialist monitors your progress. He or she will help you make a plan, tell you how much food you need, and create an exercise program for you.

Tips for getting your figure back after a birth

Some specialists recommend that you start by getting your old figure back 4 months after birth. By that time, your organs are about to be back at their normal place. Your hormones have also stabilized somewhat more and your dilation has started to skyrocket.

Belly belts can be an advantage

At this point, the mother will also have gotten used to the baby’s routines. This way you can organize and start your training and other habits like these:

No negative thoughts when you want your figure back

It is important to take this challenge with positive thoughts. You need to be able to encourage yourself and trust those who love you. Negativity gets in the way of reaching its goals. The mind will always dominate over the body. Therefore, you have to face all challenges with the most open mind.

Have an active pregnancy

For 9 months, it is a good idea to move constantly. It involves walking, practicing yoga, aerobics and lifting weights. So after the birth, your body will be used to it and it is easier to start up again after the birth.


When you breastfeed, you also use a lot of energy, where you burn a lot of calories, which helps you lose weight. A lot of the accumulated milk will come out by itself. Thanks to this you will lose a few pounds in a few weeks.

Work out

Exercising while eating healthy prevents blood clots from forming due to inactivity. Keep in mind that if you have had a vaginal birth, this should be started two days after the birth.

Of course, you need to do light exercises like shaking your feet, bending your ankles, turning your body from one side to the other and pushing for light objects with your feet.

On the other hand, you can start doing tummy tuck after 4 weeks. It helps to contract the uterus so that it can return to its normal size. From here, you can increase your load as long as your body can hold on to it and you do not forget to take care of your baby.

Good nutrition

It is important that you eat a balanced diet that includes vegetables, fruits, groats, minerals, vitamins and low calorie foods. All of this will help you get the energy you need to be able to train. In addition, your skin will look better, the stretch marks and the immune system as well.

Avoid fried fats and foods with a lot of sugar. Also, cook your meat and steam your vegetables and avoid frying the food.

Belts for after birth

These belts are a great choice to get your figure back after a birth. You should learn when and how to use them.

If you have had a caesarean section, you can use these belts after 8 weeks. It will help you protect your skin while losing weight through diet and exercise.

Sleep on your stomach

In fact, this way of sleeping will help your stomach flatten out gradually. It will also make your back and legs relax. It will help with your attitude and generally make you feel more relaxed.

Drink water

Your body needs to regain its stability. Therefore, it is important that you consume fluids. Remember that 70% of you are made up of water. Water helps remove toxins and boost your metabolism, allowing you to quickly burn the accumulated fat in your body.

baby breastfeeds with his mother

Patience and perseverance when you want your figure back

It is a long journey. Your abdominal muscles are the most demanding and slow to show results. You need to keep your spirits high, be constant and patient. You will reach your goals before you know it.

If you are desperate to get your old figure back and it takes longer than you expected, you may be suffering from postpartum depression.

Give your body the time it needs, and love yourself for who you are and set goals that you can accomplish in the foreseeable future. That way, you will probably achieve what you want. Keep the motivation until you have reached the goal where you want to go with yourself.

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