Why Do Some Children Behave Worse When They Are With Their Mother?

Why do some children behave worse when they are with their mother?
Why do some children behave worse when they are with their mother?

Do children behave worse when they are with their mother ? When I come home and ask the lady who helps me how my children have behaved, the answer is always the same: they have behaved nicely and properly.

The first thing that comes to mind is: how is it possible? Are we talking about the same kids I struggle with every night to get to eat their food? The same kids who question everything and who do not want to bathe or brush their teeth or wake up in the morning and put on their clothes?

How many mothers feel this? Why is it that they behave so badly when you are with them? I’m their mother, should there be no one else in the world who cares about them as much as I do?

So why are they only behaving badly around me? Am I doing something wrong?

This is behavior typical of young children who are in the process of learning to control and express their emotions. They see you as a safe place and try to be themselves, so it’s important that you set boundaries. You have to make it clear and it is a task that requires patience and love.

A fake report was shared around the world and expressed that children behave 800% worse with mother . In short, the eternal question was asked: Why do children behave worse in the presence of their mothers?

In mother, children behave worse

Children behave worse with mother: true or false?

Dr. KP Leibowitz, a psychologist, said: “What we found was that children as young as 8 months could play and be happy, but when they saw their mother step into the living room, they were 99.9% more likely. to start crying, have stools and require immediate attention. The 1% were a child with vision problems who, when he heard his mother’s voice, started throwing things and asking for a snack even though he had eaten. ”

The false research showed that a child can behave up to 800% worse if the mother is present, all thanks to pheromones.

According to Dr. KP Leibowitz, the alleged author of the research, “Children smell their mother’s pheromones and change their behavior. This is a natural reaction of the mother’s body and because she emits them and her child smells them, he knows that his mother is close to him and he feels protected and safe.

Mothers always believe that the child’s behavior is due to them spending more time together, because the child wants attention, because the mother says ‘yes’ more often, or because you, as a mother , will always love your child, even if he gets the world’s biggest tantrum.

Now, as a mother, you are a safe place for your child. He feels more comfortable when he is with you. He knows you will always be by his side to help and protect him. There is a strong emotional bond between you and your child.

Poor behavior in children with their mother

With mother: Children feel safe when mother is there

No studies are needed to know that children behave worse when they are in the presence of their mothers. There are two theories about this:

Confidence: Your children spend a lot of time with you. This has been the case traditionally and still happens today. This creates a much greater trust in you than in any other person. This relationship of trust allows them to relax and at times give them free rein to their emotions.

Children require your attention: Your children, especially when they are very young, do not want to disturb you on purpose and do not want to plan strategies to get you out of control. Certain behaviors like crying, kicking or screaming are nothing more than wanting your attention instantly. They need all the love and attention you can give them. Even when you give them a lot, they need more.

Children seek comfort and will always look for you, because in you they will find the hug they need when they have a nightmare, the kiss they need when they have fallen or the encouraging words they need when they have not managed to score a goal.

In fathers, they search for other things: fun, exploration, games, experiences, and advice. Mothers are generally the protection that children instinctively associate with survival.

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