Your Baby Must Be Close To You To Sleep

Your Baby Must Be Close To You To Sleep

When your baby is born, sleep becomes an important part of their development. Sleep is also necessary for the mother. The key to both you and your baby being able to fall asleep and get enough hours of rest is to be close to each other. We will explain why.

Your baby needs to be close to you. This is so that they can fall asleep and be able to continue sleeping.

Your baby has spent a lot of time inside your tummy without being away from you for as much as a minute.

Now they need to touch you, smell you and listen to your heartbeat. This is so that they can remember when they were happy inside you.

feet under the duvet

Sleep is necessary for your baby and their development

When you sleep with your baby, you eliminate the causes of crying, as they no longer have to call on you by crying.

When a baby is near his mother and father, they experience all these benefits:

  • They are better at regulating their temperature
  • Their hormone levels are more stable
  • Their heart rate stabilizes
  • Their breathing improves
  • Their immune system is strengthened
  • Their enzyme production increases

Because of this, children who spend more time in contact with their parents have better health, less illness and more weight gain.

Proximity improves breastfeeding

It is simple. When they are hungry, they already have their mother to feed them right away and many babies do not even start crying.

Therefore, babies are breastfed for longer when they sleep with their parents.

These babies drink more breast milk at a time. They also breastfeed more at night when their mother is always present. This is beneficial for your baby.

Although babies who are breastfed wake up more at night, they fall asleep earlier and so do their mothers. It is simply one of the body’s natural processes.

mother breastfeeds her baby

The kangaroo method

This technique, called the “kangaroo method”, is used in most hospitals around the world.

It has been proven to be beneficial as babies gain more weight, they have a more stable heart rate, they are calmer, they have better health and they can leave the hospital earlier.

The kangaroo method can be used with any child, whether they are born prematurely or on time. Whether they are healthy or sick. It is the best way to take care of a baby.

It is about providing skin-to-skin contact, breastfeeding as needed, and the care that both the mother and the baby need.

A healthy child just needs food and contact with their mother.

If the baby is born prematurely, is underweight, or has any disorders, then skin-to-skin contact can be a basic basis for the medical help they need.

What is co-sleeping?

In countries such as Japan, where co-sleeping is the norm, the infant mortality rate is one of the lowest in the world. 

This can be done by sleeping in the same bed, by having specially designed cradles that can be attached to the parent’s bed, or by using a conventional cradle where one side can be taken down.

The comfort of not having to get out of bed, especially when it is cold, allows the mother and baby to fall asleep almost immediately.

In fact, the mother is not quite sure how many times she has woken up, as she has not woken up completely at all.

The neural development works at its peak during the least deep sleep phase, so therefore co-sleeping not only gives your baby more breast milk, which is ideal for their physiological protection, but it also improves mental development.

Since they have food nearby, they can synchronize their breathing with that of their parents, and they feel in safe hands when they are as close to them as possible. Babies who sleep with their parents sleep better.

This means they are better rested, they have more energy for the day, and they are more active. This causes them to develop better.

Throughout our history, mankind has practiced co-sleeping, even from when we were primates living in caves. It is only in the last 150 years, with the arrival of multi-room houses, that babies have been separated to sleep away from their parents.

In conclusion, if the mother needs sleep as much as the baby, then they should not hesitate to sleep together.

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