Your Child Gets Bad Grades – How Can You Help?

If you are a parent, then one of the things that may worry you is why your child is getting bad grades. Today we will discuss possible reasons for this and suggest ways you can help him or her improve his or her performance. 
Your child gets bad grades - how can you help?

Why does my child get bad grades? This is one of the questions we parents ask ourselves when we are confronted with our children’s defeat at school. On many occasions, we are not sure how to deal with it. First of all  , you need to find out the real reason behind this achievement. In most cases, it is not due to laziness as children want to do well but cannot.

Sometimes children feel underestimated because of their grades. They believe their parents’ love depends on their academic success. Therefore, it is important to let them know that your love for them is unconditional, regardless of their characters.

Why does my child get bad grades?

The first thing we need to do is  rule out that our children’s bad grades are due to dyslexia or dysortography. In these cases, your child will need special attention.

boy studying

Of course, there are some cases where children simply do not bother to make an effort. Yes, sometimes laziness can be a factor we need to consider. However, that is often not the cause of bad grades. Some of the most common “enemies” for school success may be the following:

  • Intellectual maturity
  • Separation anxiety
  • Inability to handle emotions well,  especially if they think they have to be successful all the time

Intellectual maturity in children: training in action

Children who have a high intelligence or are mature when it comes to acquiring knowledge have a great ability to understand what they are reading. They can do this with very little effort. However, there is a problem:  learning is not the same as understanding. 

Learning requires effort: understanding is easier. These mature children usually do not make an effort. Instead, they follow the law with the least effort. Here, the important thing is to correct this lack of effort little by little. This applies not only according to compulsory schooling, but also according to sports or other tasks.

How can I help you?

A child who lacks training in effort can be very intellectually gifted, but will achieve results that are inconsistent with his or her intelligence. In the end, he or she will end up being depressed and not wanting to study.

What you need to do is ask for a limited effort in the beginning and motivate your child. Offer him or her some form of reward once you have noticed some effort and certain results. These rewards do not have to be materialistic. Instead, it could be a trip to the cinema, an afternoon in the country, etc.

Your child gets bad grades due to separation anxiety

This usually occurs at an early age when children perceive separation from their mother as something traumatic. Situations that can contribute to separation anxiety in children are  a new sibling, sudden weaning, absence of the mother between the age of 18 months and the age of 2…

Children who have problems with separation anxiety when in school without their mother experience permanent worry. This pain paralyzes their cognitive functions and they are unable to keep up with the class and understand what they need to understand according to their intellectual capacity.

What can I do?

If your child is in this situation, you need to  ask for help from a therapist who specializes in this type of problem. That way, your child will be able to get out of his intellectual blockade and regain normalcy.

boy who is tired of doing homework

It’s not just about success, but about doing your best

We all have a need to feel successful in what we do. Sometimes, however, this desire becomes overwhelming for some children and parents.

This is where success becomes a duty, and children suffer from anxiety and excessive tension to achieve success with their grades. And when that does not happen, and they do not get the grades they expected, they  lose their confidence and feel dissatisfied. This can lead to depression. 

However, what happens if they become depressed? Obviously, the opposite of what we want is happening. Their grades can get worse instead of getting better.

How can I fix it?

Ask your child to do their best in tests and exercises, and do not focus on the results. Instead, focus your attention on your child’s efforts so that he or she does the best he or she can.

We hope this information will help answer the question that many parents ask themselves and that your child can say goodbye to his or her bad grades.

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